French Mannlicher Berthier M1892 1st Pattern Artillery Carbine Bayonet With Composition Grips, Matching Numbers and Retaining Original Quillon. BAYO 408 - BAYO 408 This is an early French Mannlicher Berthier Artillery Carbine M1892 1st Pattern bayonet and scabbard which retain its original quillon that has not been shortened and matching numbers 98979. This 1st Pattern bayonet was made to be used with the Mannlicher Berthier Artillery Carbine with black composition grips and small rivets which tended to crack the grips. This bayonet has a crack to the left hand grip at its rivet hole. This was common fault with the first pattern bayonet and the grips were altered to wood with larger rivets on the second pattern bayonet. The bayonet has a straight sword like polished fullered blade which measures 15 3/4" long. The bayonet has an unusual feature of a short fuller on the top edge of the blade near the tip which aided penetration. The blade has a notch on both sides near to the crossguard which locks the bayonet in the scabbard with a click. The quillon is stamped with 98979 on the ricasso together with inspection marks. The pommel has a push release which operates as it should. The scabbard is steel and has a metal belt loop which is also stamped with a matching number 98979. The bayonet has the original muzzle ring that does not overlap the grips, see White & Watts, The Bayonet Book, pages 85 & 98 item 213. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 408 £225.00