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German WW1, 1915 Dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' Bayonet By V.C. Schilling Suhl Complete With Steel Scabbard. BAYO 542 - BAYO 542
This is a German WW1, 1915 dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' bayonet by V.C. SCHILLING SUHL. The ricasso is stamped V.C. SCHILLING SUHL and the top of the blade is stamped W15 (1915 date) and a stylised M acceptance stamp. The hilt is stamped with two acceptance marks as is one stamped to the release button. The top of the grip has the later flash guard and a trimmed muzzle ring. The grips are undamaged. The bayonet is contained in its original steel scabbard. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 542

German Mauser Export Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 538 - BAYO 538
This is the standard Mauser export made on Germany for export to the many countries who used the Mauser rifle. This bayonet appears to be for the Uruguayan 1908 Mauser Rifle and was made by SIMPSON & Co. SUHL. See An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley on page 250. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 538

German Mauser Export Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 537 - BAYO 524
This is the standard Mauser export made on Germany for export to the many countries who used the Mauser rifle. This bayonet appears to be for the Uruguayan 1908 Mauser Rifle and was made by SIMPSON & Co. SUHL. See An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley on page 250. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 524

Norwegian M1894 Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 326 - BAYO 326
This is a Norwegian M1894 short bayonet for the Norwegian 1894 Krag Jorgensen rifle. These bayonets were made at the Konesberg Arsenal in Norway or at the OEWG Arsenal in Austria. This is a Norwegian produced bayonet and carries a crowned K marking on the blade together with inspection stamps and a controllers inistials on the other. The crossguard carries the number 106144 which is repeated on the scabbard throat. It is unusual to find these bayonets with matching numbers as most have been re-married when in for re-furbishment etc. The bayonet is held in place by a press stud locking device which also operates the locking device for the rifle. The grips are of plane wood held by one screw which also acts as a pivot for the locking catch. The blade is single edged for most of its length apart for a short ½” length at the tip. The steel scabbard retains most of its original black finish. These bayonets were still in use in 1940 when Norway was overrun by the Germans and were used by German second line and security troops during the occupation. See Martin J. Brayley, An Illustrated History of Bayonets item 526 on pages 229 and 235. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 326

WW1 (1917 Dated) German Imperial M84/98 2nd Model Bayonet, By J.A. Henckles, And Scabbard. Sn BAYO 524 - BAYO 524
This is a WW1 (1917 dated) Imperial German M84/98 2nd Model bayonet by J.A. Henckels. The bayonet is stamped on the blade J.A. Henckels below their trade mark. The spine of the blade is stamped with a Crown over W 17 (1917) along with an inspection mark. The pommel also is stamped with an Imperial inspection mark. The bayonet is complete with its steel scabbard. See White & Watts No 283 on pages 115 & 128. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 524

Australian Korean War Period (1952 Dated) Mark 1 Owen Machine Gun Bayonet, Scabbard And Frog. BAYO 518 - BAYO 518
This is a very early Owen machine gun bayonet newly made at Lithgow on 1952. Skennerton states that production did not start at Lithgow until 1953. The blade carries a broad arrow over ’52 and an O over a broad arrow and I on the other side with X MA on the other. (MA is the Lithgow mark). The blade is 10 inches long with a 5 inch fuller and is heavily blued. The grips are made of wood and are stamped SLAZ 51. The scabbard is a shortened Mk1 and has a feint MANGROVITE stamped into the rear next to the seam. The frog is a standard ’37 webbing pattern version. This is a very nice Korean War period Owen sub machine gun bayonet in virtually mint condition. See Skennerton item A13 on pages 278 and 279. Price for includes UK delivery. BAYO 518

Imperial German WW1 1915 Dated Old Pattern Model 1898/05aA (aA alter Art) Sawback Bayonet Complete With Steel Scabbard. BAYO 516 - BAYO 516
This is a 1915 dated 1898/05aA ‘butcher’ bayonet with no flash guard and extended muzzle ring ‘ears’. The old pattern bayonets were issued without flash guards but early on in the war it was found that the muzzle flash from the K98 rifle was causing the wooden grips to char or even be blown off. It was then decided to fit a steel flash guard along the top edge of the hilt. This example pre-dates the fitting of this flash guard and also as the longer ears or extensions of the crossguard. The blade carries the Simson and Co. Suhl trademark and the spine carries a crowned W over 15. Most of Simpson and Co’s production took place in 1915 as they then concentrated on the production of rifles as did Haenel and Schilling. See German Bayonets, The Models 98/02 and 98/05 by Anthony Carter, pages 86 and 87. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 516

WW2 India Pattern No1 MkIII* Bayonet, Scabbard And Frog. BAYO 513 - BAYO 513
This is a nice and crisply marked No1 MkIII* India pattern bayonet. The blade carries the crown over GRI and MKII over 13 44 (December 1944 date) and R.F.I.. This bayonet was therefore made at the Rifle Factory Ishapore in December 1944. The bayonet has the squared pommel and parallel tang and grips which was a feature of these later bayonets, done in order to; save on machining time. The bayonet has an 11.9 inch blade with a false edge to the tip and carried several inspectors stamps. Many of these bayonets are marked on the blade as MK II when in fact the official designation was No 1 MK III*. The bayonet is contained in its original long No1 MKI scabbard with a tear drop frog stud. The frog is a P ’37 webbing version. See Skennerton item 156 on pages 346 – 356, in particular his comments of page 350 for items 155 and 156. This is a nice India pattern variation bayonet. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 513

India Pattern Bayonet, Scabbard And Frog. BAYO 512 - BAYO 512
This is an Indian conversion of an original pattern 1907 bayonet by shortening the blade and giving it a false edge at the tip. The fuller runs through to the tip and many of these were converted during the war before the later un-fullered blade versions were introduced. Skennerton shows a similar one as item 152 on page 348. However, many were converted in the 1950s and this is likely to be one of these as the false edge has more of a pronounced bowie shape. There are feint markings on the blade but all the metal parts have been polished or chromed, possibly for parade use. The scabbard is a shortened P 1907 version and the frog is a Pattern ’37 webbing one which is dated 1942. This is an interesting variation for the India pattern bayonet collector. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 512 (Other countries Box 2)

British No7 Mk1L Bayonet, Scabbard And Frog. BAYO 511 - BAYO 511
This is a British No7 Mk1L bayonet with brown tufnol grips. The No7 bayonet was only approve for land service hence the suffix L to the bayonet designation No7 Mk1l. This is stamped crisply on the blade ricasso. These bayonets were mainly issued to the Guards and occasional use with the Mk5 Sten gun. The bayonet has a swivelling pommel which allowed it to be fixed to the No4 rifle and the Sten sub machine gun. The blade is the standard bowie shape as used on the No5 jungle carbine and successive marks including the No9 and L1A1 series. The scabbard is the standard No5 Mk2 with a brass mouthpiece and the frog is an unmarked pattern 37 webbing version. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 511
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