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Spanish CETME M1969 Bolo Knife Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 621
This is a Spanish CETME M1969 Bolo knife bayonet and scabbard. The unfullered bolo blade is stamped with the Toledo coat of arms under the serial number EI 45169B on one side and the factory crest of the Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI) on the other side. The end of the pommel has the unusual rectangular mortise slot on the pommel face. The black plastic cross hatched grips are undamaged. The green plastic scabbard is undamaged as it the webbing frog, (see page 253 of White & Watts ‘The Bayonet Book’). This is a very nice complete and original bayonet and scabbard. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 621

French 1868 Dated Model 1866 Chassepot Yataghan Sword Bayonet By St Etienne Arsenal, Blade Manufactured By Alex Coppel, Germany With Brass Grip & Steel Scabbard - BAYO 619
This is an original French model 1866 Chassepot sword bayonet (See pages 70 and 71 of ‘An Illustrated History Of Bayonets’ by Brayley). The steel fullered single edged ‘T’ back Yataghan blade has staining consistent with age and is 22 ¾” length. The blade of the bayonet is stamped with the German makers trademark of Alex Coppel and the bayonet carries more than the usual inspection stamps. The back of the blade is marked with the name of the French Arsenal St Etienne and is dated 7th February 1872 in French. The bayonet has the correct steel hooked quillon with muzzle ring. The bayonet has a ribbed brass grip with flat spring and steel push button. The blade has small inspection marks. The cross guard is stamped X 9482 on the quillion. The bayonet is complete with the correct steel scabbard and is stamped 90986 near the throat. The scabbard has no dents and has its original fixed strap bar. The scabbard has even patina and is stamped with matching number near to the throat. Price includes UK delivery. BAYO 619

Captured French / Prussian 1872 Dated Model 1866 Chassepot Yataghan Sword Bayonet By St Etienne Arsenal With Brass Grip & Steel Scabbard Captured In The Franco Prussian War And Reissued By The Prussians - BAYO 621
An original French model 1866 Chassepot sword bayonet (See pages 70 and 71 of ‘An Illustrated History Of Bayonets’ by Brayley). The steel fullered single edged ‘T’ back Yataghan blade has staining consistent with age and is 22 ¾” length. The bayonet has the correct steel hooked quillon with muzzle ring. The bayonet has a ribbed brass grip with flat spring and steel push button. The blade has small inspection marks. The cross guard is stamped 66.L.I.222 on the quillion when it was captured by the Prussians in the Franco Prussian War and reissued by the Prussian Army. The back of the blade is marked with the name of the French Arsenal St Etienne and is dated 7th February 1872 in French. The bayonet is complete with the correct steel scabbard and is stamped IL C 4517 near the throat. The scabbard has an even patina, no dents and has its original fixed strap bar. Price includes UK delivery. BAYO 621

Canadian WW1 Ross Mk II Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 616
This is a nice Mk II Ross bayonet with a modified blade profile. This modification was authorised in October 1915 to give better penetration over the more rounded original blade shape tip. The pommel carries the Canadian Government ownership mark of an arrow within a Capital C, the Ross factory inspection mark of a crown over 4 and the date of manufacture 11 over 2/17 (February 1917 date). The other side carries Ross Rifle Co. Quebec Patented 1907. One of the grips carries the Ross factory inspection mark. The spine of the tang also carries 2 Ross factory inspection stamps. The scabbard is the Mk II version with a wider belt loop and internal locket and chape. See Skennerton Item C7 on pages 300 – 304.The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 616

Post Mutiny Indian Issue Victorian British India Pattern 1859 Socket Bayonet (NOT P1853) For Enfield Smoothbore Muzzle Loading Muskets and Scabbard. BAYO 607 - BAYO 607
This is a P.1859 Enfield socket bayonet. These are often confused with P.1853 socket bayonets but have longer sockets to fit the longer barrel P.1859 long barrel smooth bore Enfield muskets (see page 331 of Skennerton’s British & Commonwealth Military Bayonets). A label accompanying the bayonet describes it as post mutiny issue. It has a clean 17” triangular blade. The blade has a small inspection mark. The blued socket is 77mm length. The scabbard is brass mounted leather with a tear drop frog stud and the seam stitching to the rear. All leather and stitching are clean and intact. The leather has WD & arrow mark. The bayonet fits the scabbard. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 607

Victorian British WD 1853 Pattern Socket Bayonet For Enfield .577 Calibre Muzzle Loading Rifles and Post 1866 Brass Mounted Brown Leather Scabbard. BAYO 600 - BAYO 600
This is a very good British 1853 pattern socket bayonet with a clean 17” triangular section blade( see Skennerton's book British & Commonwealth Bayonets, item B145 pages 105-109) . The blade has WD & broad arrow inspection mark and another ordnance inspection mark. The socket with locking ring is numbered "199". The scabbard is the post 1866 variant, brass mounted brown leather with a tear drop frog stud on the riveted brass throat mount and brass chape. The seam stitching is correctly to the rear (see page 109 of Skennerton’s book). All leather & stitching are clean and intact. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 600

British WD 1876 Pattern Martini Henry Rifle Socket Bayonet & MK II Scabbard. BAYO 599 - BAYO 599
This is an 1876 pattern Martini Henry rifle socket bayonet (see item B187 on Pages 145 and 147 of Skennerton’s book British & Commonwealth Bayonets) . The blade is stamped with WD & broad arrow mark and ordnance inspection mark. The scabbard is the mark II with 2 rivets in the leather body to hold the internal spring. The scabbard has the correct brass throat mount with frog stud which is numbered ‘13’ and brass chape (see page 146 of Skennerton’s book). The price for this bayonet includes UK delivery. BAYO 599

Scarce India Pattern Carbine Socket Bayonet c.1813. BAYO 597 - BAYO 597
This is a scarce India pattern carbine socket bayonet similar to those shown as B74 and B75 on page 58 of Skennertons British and Commonwealth Bayonets book. B75 is the nearest one to our example with an overall length of 15 ½ inches and a socket length of3 inches. The muzzle ring diameter is 21.5mm with the stud to muzzle measurement being smaller than the usual 1.5 inches. Skennerton states that the main possibilities are cadet, constabulary or even artillery issue but no positive identification has been made. There is an unidentified mark at the base of the blade. This is a nice and scarce socket bayonet, c.1813 and worthy of more detailed research. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 597

UNAVAILABLE British Land Pattern Socket Bayonet By John Gill. BAYO 595 - BAYO 595
This is a British land pattern socket bayonet, circa 1801 and a similar version is shown as B49 on page 40 of Skennertons British and Commonwealth Bayonets book the blade is marked with the makers name ‘JOHN GILL’, this being the only marking on the bayonet. The overall length of the bayonet is 20 ½ inches with a socket length of 4 inches. The bayonet has a muzzle ring diameter of 25mm. The stud to muzzle length is 1.6 inches. This is a nice early example of a British socket bayonet. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 595

1978 British Royal Factory Ishapore India Arsenal (RFI) No.5 Jungle Carbine Bayonet & Scabbard. BAYO 595 - BAYO 595
This is a very good British No.5 Jungle Carbine Bayonet and Scabbard. These bayonets were used during WW2 and post war. The bayonet with fullered, 8" Bowie style blued blade (12" overall) has muzzle ring, cross guard and pommel with lug button that has a good strong spring action. It has slab wood grips secured by screw bolts. The blade is manufacturer marked ‘RFI’ (Royal Factory Ishapore India Arsenal) at the ricasso together with ‘78’ (1978 date). The bayonet is complete with its steel scabbard which is undamaged and has original black finish. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 595
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