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British Wilkinson 1888 Pattern Mark I, 2nd Type, Lee Metford Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 631
This is a British Lee Metford, 1888 pattern Mark I, 2nd type bayonet manufactured for the British .303 calibre Enfield, Lee Metford Rifle. The bayonets 12 inch double edged blade is unfullered with a medial ridge running from the ricasso to the blade tip. The ricasso of the blade is marked WILKINSON LONDON with a feint crown over VR 2’91 (February 1891 manufacture date). The other side carries an broad arrow over W.D. and an inspection stamp. The pommel carries the number R56. The grips are made of wood, held together with two brass rivets. There is an oil clearance hole behind the back rivet. The scabbard is the Mark 1 steel mounted black leather with no damage and all of the stitching intact. See Skennerton item B213 page 169. Price includes UK delivery. BAYO 631

Yugoslavia M56 Bayonet, Scabbard And Frog - BAYO 284
This is a very nice complete M56 bayonet and scabbard with its scarce brown leather frog. These bayonets were for use with the 7.62mm M1956 sub machine gun. The bayonet has a bright finished blade of 7 inches which is marked to the ricasso with 36-189-6 on one side and 80 206 on the other. The grips are made of black plastic held by a central screw bolt and the pommel has twin catches that push away from the mortise similar to the SIG57 bayonet. The scabbard is made of black steel and is contained in its original scarce brown leather frog. Most of these bayonets on the market are without the frog. See An Illustrated History of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley, page 253. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 284

U.S. M1 Garand Bayonet and Scabbard - BAYO 282
This is a nice M1 bayonet that has been cut down from a M1905/M1942 bayonet. This occurred from August 1942 when it was discovered that the M1925 and M1942 bayonets were too long, especially for jungle fighting. The first bayonets merely had cut down blades which are readily identifiable by the fullers which run down to the point. Later bayonets had a new blade with standard fullers. This example has a cut down blade marked to the ricasso with A.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe Company of Geneva, Ohio) U.S. and a Flaming Grenade (Frankford Arsenal). The scabbard is a standard M3green plastic with a metal throat stamped with U.S. within a flaming grenade. The tip has light wear damage caused by service use. See An Illustrated History of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley, pages 230 and 242. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 282

German WW1, 1915 Dated 1884/98 Bayonet With Sawback Removed And Scabbard - BAYO 281
This is a German WW1, 1884/98 bayonet which has had its sawback removed. These bayonets were in production from 1915 until at least 1917 although most of the dated examples (when they were dated at all) indicate that production peaked in 1915. This example has had its sawback removed, necessitated by the accusation in the British press that the sawback bayonet was a barbourous weapon. The bayonet ahs a feint F.K and So on the ricasso which is more than likely F. Koeller and Co., Solingen but the rest is badly rubbed. The wooden grips are held by 2 screw bolts and the black painted steel pommel carries an Imperial inspection stamp. The scabbard is black steel and undamaged. This is a nice M1884/98 with sawback removed bayonet. See White and Watts, item 286 on pages 115 and 129 for an unaltered example. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 281

British No 7 MK 1 L, Bayonet For The No 4 Rifle & MK V Sten Sub Machine Gun, With Swivel Handle, Scabbard & Webbing Frog - BAYO 278
This is an original No 7 MK 1 L, bayonet with swivelling pommel made for the No 4 rifle and MK V Sten Sub Machine Guns. The 'L' designation is for Land Service. The bayonet has a 7 3/4” blade (12 ¼” overall) with bowie knife style blade and deep fuller to both sides. The blade is stamped on the ricasso 'No 7 MK1/L' and there are no visible manufacturer marks. The scabbard is the No 5 Mark 2 with the brass mouthpiece. The scabbard is fitted with an original webbing pattern ’37 khaki frog stamped with RR1971 a broad arrow and 678 6108 to the rear. See Skennerton item B299 on page 243 for further information. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 278

WW2.1943 Dated India Pattern No 1 MK.II* Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 277
This is a nice WW2, 1943 dated Indian Pattern No. 1, MK II* bayonet and leather scabbard. This is one on the many variations of these bayonets and a large collection could be amassed of all the different patterns and variations with this pattern bayonet. This bayonet has a false edge tip to the blade and the ricasso carries 11* over N.W.R. (North West Railways) and 43 (denoting a 1943 manufacture date). See Skennerton item 154 on page 349 for similar and pages 346 – 351 for full descriptions of all the variations. The scabbard is a cut down No1 with steel mounts and a black leather body. The mount carries AK1941 and AH stamped into it. The rounded pommel has the correct release button which operates smoothly and it has a clearance hole. The price includes UK Delivery. BAYO 277

**FALKLANDS WAR BRING BACK**Argentine Army Marked Type C Socket Bayonet For FN FAL Rifles, Scabbard & Tempex Frog. Sn 18208 - 18208
These socket bayonets were used by Argentine forces in the Falklands War (See Page 22 of An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Brayley where an Argentine Type C socket bayonet captured during the Falklands war with plastic scabbard & Tempex Frog the same as ours are illustrated). This Argentine Type C bayonet is most likely a bring back from the Falklands war. The all steel construction bayonet is in excellent condition. The tubular socket has the correct release catch ‘ears’ and has the correct cut outs to align with the vents in the rifle flash eliminator. The bayonet has a 6 ¾” long blade and measures 11 ½” overall. The blade has number ’01-67105’. The ‘01’ prefix denotes Army issue (02=Marines & 03=Air Force). There are no other manufacturer marks on the bayonet. The scabbard is the correct black plastic version. The scabbard has a frog locket. The scabbard is fitted with correct webbing frog which has 2 retaining straps with press stud fasteners marked ‘Tempex’ and steel wire belt bar. The rear of the frog has a riveted plastic belt attachment mount. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 18208

**FALKLANDS WAR BRING BACK**Argentine Type A Knife Bayonet For FN FAL Rifles With Flash Suppressor Prongs Removed, Scabbard & Tempex Frog. Sn 18207 - 18207
Production of the Belgian Type A FN FAL bayonet began in 1953. Argentine made bayonets were made with plastic grips and their scabbards were more pointed than the Belgium made model. These bayonets were used by Argentine forces in the Falklands War (See Page 21 of An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Brayley where an Argentine Type A bayonet (with flash suppressor prongs) captured at the Falklands battle of Goose green is illustrated). This Argentine Type A bayonet is most likely a bring back from the Falklands war. The bayonet is in excellent condition with correct ribbed plastic grips and distinctive locking catch on the pommel. The muzzle ring originally would have had 2 muzzle flash suppressor prongs. The prongs have been contemporarily been removed. It has a 7 ¾” long polished steel blade which has light staining consistent with age and measures 12 ¾” overall. The pommel is numbered 46092. There are no other manufacturer marks on the bayonet. The blackened metal scabbard is the slim Argentine pattern. The scabbard has a frog bar. The throat is numbered ‘06421’. The scabbard is fitted with period webbing frog which has 2 retaining straps with press stud fasteners marked ‘Tempex’ and steel wire belt bar. The rear of the frog has a riveted plastic belt attachment mount (see page 22 of Brayley’s book where an Argentine Tempex frog the same as ours is illustrated). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 18207

British Wilkinson 1888 Pattern Mark I, 2nd Type, Lee Metford Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 267
This is a Lee Metford, 1888 Mark I second type bayonet manufactured for the British .303 calibre Enfield, Lee Metford Rifle. The bayonets 12 inch double edged blade is unfullered with a medial ridge running from the ricasso to the blade tip. The ricasso of the blade is marked WILKINSON LONDON 7 ‘93 (July 1893 manufacture date) ‘03and various other inspection stamps. The other side carries an arrow over W.D. and an inspection stamp. The grips are made of wood, held together with two brass rivets and there is an inspection stamp on each one. There is a oil clearance hole behind the top rivet. The steel pommel carries the mumber 50 which is repeated on the top of he scabbard mouthpiece which is a standard 1888 mark 1. See Skennerton item B213 on pages 16 - 173. This is a nice matching numbers pattern 1888 bayonet made by Wilkinsons. Price includes UK delivery. BAYO 627

British Volunteer Pattern 1888 Mark II, 2nd Pattern, Lee Metford Bayonet And Scabbard - BAYO 626
This is a Volunteer pattern 1888 Mark II second pattern bayonet manufactured for the British .303 calibre Lee Metford Rifle which were issued to British and allied forces during the Boer war and in WW1. The bayonet blade is in good clean condition with original polish, 12" in length, double edged, unfullered with a medial ridge running from the ricasso to the blade tip. The bayonet and scabbard are completely devoid of any markings except for the number 26 stamped into one of the wooden grips as per photograph. The bayonet is devoid of an oil hole in the grips or the pommel. The bayonet is contained in the correct standard 1888 mark 1 steel mounted leather scabbard for this bayonet. At some point in this bayonets service, the scabbard has lost its steel bottom chape. See Skennerton item B216 page 170 and 171. The leather price includes UK delivery. BAYO 626
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