German M98 Dress Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog - BAYO 678 German M98 Dress Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog. This is a nice other ranks M98 Dress bayonet with the longer 9 ¾ “ blade. The shorter 7 ¾ “ blade was for the Non-commissioned officer (N.C.O). These were worn with the walking out dress uniform, much the same as officers wore dress daggers. This example was made by Alcoso and is marked to the blade with their trademark of Alcoso, Scales & Solingen. The grips are chequered black plastic and the pommel has a working press stud and rifle mortise but could not be fitted to a rifle as the slot was too small for the attachment lug on the M98 Mauser rifle. The scabbard is black painted steel and is contained in a black leather frog. See German clamshells and other bayonets by Gary. L Walker & R.J Weinand page 15. £175. BAYO 679 £175.00