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India Pattern Bayonet and Long Scabbard No1 MKII. BAYO 783 - BAYO 783
World War Two saw India’s largest period of bayonet production, and from 1939 until 1942 the bulk of India’s rifle and bayonet production went to Indian troops overseas and into British stores. The No1 MkII was made with the shorter unfullered blade (not conversion). These bayonets are special to India and bear the makers name and factory ‘M.I.L.’ (Metal Industries Lahore), M.I.L. had produced No I Mk and Mk. III bayonets during the second world war, when Lahore was still under Indian jurisdiction) to the ricasso. The 300mm blade (425mm overall) doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened and the wooden grips are in good condition held by two screws. The long scabbard bears the ‘O.A’ (Orange Arsenal) marks and ‘Mangrovite 43’ (Mangrovite Arsenal), the furniture and leather are in very good condition with all the stitching in place. See Skennerton item 153, pages 347-351. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 783. (Box 3 all countries)

India Pattern Bayonet and Long Scabbard No1 MKII*. BAYO 779 - BAYO 779
World War Two saw India’s largest period of bayonet production, and from 1939 until 1942 the bulk of India’s rifle and bayonet production went to Indian troops overseas and into British stores. The No1 MkII*was made with the false edge. These bayonets are special to India and bear the makers name and factory ‘R.F.I’ (Rifle Factory Ichhapore, The Rifle Factory Ichhapore also known as ‘Ichhapore Arsenal’ is an Indian state-owned arms manufacturing unit located at Ichhapur in the state of West Bengal) to the ricasso along with the date of manufacture ‘3’48’ (March 1948). The 302mm blade (422mm overall) doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened and the wooden grips are in excellent condition. The scabbard bears the ‘O.A’ (Orange Arsenal) marks and the furniture and leather are in very good condition with all the stitching in place. See Skennerton item 154, pages 347-351. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 779. (Other Countries Box 2)

Australian Aybrid ‘Owen’ S.M.G. Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 769. - BAYO 769
Early in 1944, 100 shortened, lightened No 1 rifles were produced at Lithgow (The Lithgow Small Arms Factory, or Lithgow Arms, is an Australian small arms manufacturing factory located in the town of Lithgow, New South Wales. It was created by the Australian Government in 1912 to ease reliance on the British for the supply of defence materials.) for the army, along with bayonets. The shortened, lightened No 1 was really only the standard No 1 rifle reduced in length with a modified sight, and so the bayonet was merely a shortened No 1. The blade of this bayonet is marked ‘M.A. (Lithgow) ‘1907’ and ‘11’44’ (November 1944) The other side carries the broad arrow and ‘O.A.’ (Orange Arsenal). Blade length: 250mm and doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened. Overall length: 375 mm. The scabbard carries the ‘O.A.’ mark and ‘Mangrovite 44’. The furniture is in good condition and the stitching on the thick leather scabbard is intact. The wooden grips are held with two screws and are showing signs of age related wear above the cross guard which has a small muzzle ring. See Skennerton pages 278/279, A13. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 769. (All countries 3)

German Dress Bayonet and Scabbard, M98 pattern. BAYO 760. - BAYO 760
The dress sidearm for the military and civilian uniformed formations was designated the ‘M98’ dress bayonet. A blade length of 20cm (7 ¾ “) indicated NCO personnel, while the 25cm (9 ¾ “) length was utilised by the rest of the enlisted personnel. The dress bayonet has a rifle mortise, but cannot be fitted to a rifle. The stud button is functional, but the mortise was often too small for the attachment lug on the ‘M98’ Mauser rifle. This example has the 9 ¾ “ blade which denotes other ranks. It has the makers name ‘E & F Hörster – Solingen’ (Founded in 1850, Hörster E. & F. Co., Solingen, made military edged weapons through WWII) the blade doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened and is in very good condition. The black plastic chequered grips are held with two pins are in excellent condition and are above a hooked quillon. The scabbard is polished steel and the furniture is in excellent condition. See `German Clamshells and other Bayonets’ A Collectors Guide, by Gary.L.Walker and R.J.Weinand. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 760. (Box 2)

British ‘1907’ Bayonet and Scabbard by ‘GEO. Bussey & Co Ltd. BAYO 759. - BAYO 759
The 1907 bayonet was designed to be used with the Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) rifle. The pattern 1907 bayonet with hooked quillon removed, the important change was decided for the removal was in 1913, and the official approval date was 29/10/13. This bayonet is made by Sanderson which is stamped to the ricasso along with ‘1907’, ‘5’18’ (May 1918) and some inspection marks. The pommel has regimental marks ‘12RF’ and ‘255’ stamped to it, which are the 12th Royal Fusiliers. The blade is in good condition for its age and appears to have been re sharpened. The wooden grips are held with two screws and have aged well. The scabbard is made by ‘GEO. Bussey & Co Ltd’ of 36 and 38 Queen Victoria Street, Peckham, London, which is imprinted t the leather. The furniture is in good condition and the leather stitching is intact. A good 1907 bayonet and scabbard for the collector. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 759. (Box 2)

M84/98 German Bayonet Early Pattern 3rd Model and Scabbard. BAYO 753. - BAYO 753
In the 1930’s a third model ‘84/89’ was issued, and became the standard bayonet used by the German troops until the end of the Second World War. The hilt has plastic grips held to the tang with two screw bolts. The pommel has a mortise slot and locking bolt which secures it to the rifle nose cap. There are two inspector's proofs on the pommel. The crossguard has no quillon or muzzle ring. The single edged spear point blade has a fuller on each side for about 180 mm. The ricasso has the markings, 'CUL 41' (W.K.C.’ for ‘Weyersburg Kirchbaum & Cie. Solingen’ ) and looks to have been re sharpened. The scabbard is metal with the blade retaining spring screw on the side and with markings by ‘Elite Diamant’ dated 40'. See ‘The Bayonet Book’ by White & Watts, No 296, pages 115 & 133. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 753.

British 1856/58 Yatahgan Sword Bayonet And Scabbard. 19292 - 19292
This is an example of the 1856/58 yataghan sword bayonet with ‘Solingen’ trademark on the ricasso. From 1858 the use of more machinery enabled closer tolerances to make bayonets and in doing so made the bayonets interchangeable, instead of bayonets being individually fitted to a particular rifle. This bayonet has a slightly longer leaf spring for the locking bolt and was secured by a screw and not as previously with a rivet on the P 1856 bayonet. See ‘Skennerton’ pages 114/115 item B151. The bayonet is 72cm long with a blade length of 58 ¼ cm and doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened. The grips are made of chequered black leather held by steel pins. The scabbard is made of black leather with steel top mount and chape, all stitching is intact. The price includes UK delivery. 19292. (Armoury)

British ‘1907’ Sword Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 735. - BAYO 735
The 1907 bayonet was designed to be used with the Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) rifle. The pattern 1907 bayonet with hooked quillon removed, the important change was decided for the removal was in 1913, the official approval date was 29/10/13. This bayonet comes with a leather scabbard, all with stitching intact and furniture painted olive drab. The ripasso has the name of the maker ‘Wilkinson’ who produced 25,575 of the 1907 bayonet. The date of manufacture is obscured, possibly ‘18’ (1918). The other side has Government acceptance marks etc. The wooden grips *in good condition* are held with two pins above the cross guard and muzzle ring. Blade length: 43 cm, overall length: 55 cm and does not appear to have been re sharpened. See ‘British and Commonwealth Bayonets’ by Ian Skennerton and Robert Richardson, page 187 item B235. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 735. (Box 1)

French ‘M1892’ Mannlicher-Berthier Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 721. - BAYO 721
The French model 1892 sword bayonet was manufactured from 1892 and was still in use during WWI. The M1892 bayonet was used with the model 1892 ‘Mannlicher-Berthier’ short rifle and has become known as the ‘Mannlicher-Berthier bayonet’. The 402mm single edged blade has a broad, flat spine and an almost full length deep fuller on both sides of the blade. The bayonet is easily identified by the fuller in the spine that runs for 155mm from the spear point. The blade has a semi-circular indentation on both sides of the forte, which interacts with internal springs in the scabbard to grip the blade and hold it firmly inside. The bayonet has a hooked quillon and narrow muzzle ring with hardwood grips with two steel pins (wooden grips which were introduce in around 1905). *The grips are showing signs of age related wear. The steel scabbard furniture is in good condition and has a pleasant patina. See ‘The Bayonet Book’ by John Watts and Peter White, page 98 No 215. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 721.

Belgian ‘M1924’Long Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 720. - BAYO 720
These bayonets were made for use with the ‘Mauser’ rifles manufactured for export. These rifles and bayonets were sold to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iran Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Turkey, Venezuela, Yemen and Yugoslavia. The blade length is: 300mm, and the overall length is: 430mm. Hardwood grips in good condition held with two studs above cross guard. The scabbard is polished steel *showing signs of age related wear with frog stud and ball end. See ‘Bayonet Book’ by John Watts and Peter White pages 26 and 41 No 99 I nice piece of history for the collection. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 720.
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