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Spanish ‘M1893’ Sword Bayonet with Chequered Grips and Scabbard. BAYO 2623. - BAYO 2623
The 7mm Mauser short rifle was equipped with a sword bayonet (M1893). It has wooden grips which have been chequered and they are secured by two screw bolts. It is believed that this bayonet was originally intended for artillery units but it was widely used on the ‘M1916’ short rifle during the Civil War. Measuring 52 cm overall (blade: 39 ½ cm). This one carries the legend ARTILLERIA FCA NACIONAL TOLEDO around a pair of crossed cannons., it is unusual to find this stamp on the blade as many were unmarked. The cross guard carries ‘4124’ and the blade ‘18’. The blade appears to have been re sharpened. The scabbard is steel mounted black leather, the stitching is all intact. See White & Watts item 564 on page 245 and 252. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2623. (Box No3)

French1st pattern Lebel M1886 Bayonet and Scabbard BAYO 2622. - BAYO 2622
This is a nice pattern Lebel bayonet with a white metal hilt, downswept quillon with ‘98635’ stamped to it, and a round button catch. This is an early model with the hilt fixed permanently to the tang, whereas later models had removable hilts with a screw nut fixing to the end of the hilt. The blade is the usual Lebel cruciform shape and the scabbard is black tubular steel which is slightly misshapen, but does not retract from its operation. This is a lovely complete example of a 1st pattern iconic Lebel bayonet. See White and Watts item no. 205 on pages 85 and 96 and Martin Brayley, An Illustrated History of Bayonets, pages 71 – 73. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 2622.

Czech ‘M1923’ Long Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2621. - BAYO 2621
Czechoslovakia rapidly gained ascendency as an international arms producer, and after1922 rifles and bayonets were being made and exported, especially from the works of ZB, Ceskaslovenske Zobrojovka, Brno. The M1923 bayonet, manufacturing pattern 98/22 long is believed to be an export model and features the reversed cutting edge characteristic of earlier Austrian bayonets. This example is in very good condition for its years. The wooden grips are held with two studs above the crossguard and muzzle ring. There is No ‘7415’ printed to the top of the pommel. The blade is clean and appears to have been re sharpened. The pommel is in good condition and button and spring are working. Blade length: 38 ½ cm (51 ½ cm overall).The steel scabbard and stud retain 90% of their paint. See The Bayonet Book by John Watts and Peter White pages 52/53 No 125. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 2621.

East German ‘AKM 59’ Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2619 - BAYO 2619
A Hilt form: two-piece brown plastic grips fully enclose the tang and the pommel. The grips widen towards the pommel end (when viewed from above) and are gently curved on the underside to fit the hand. The grips are secured by two rivets. The pommel ends of the grips are bulbous and house a broad T-shaped attachment slot in the underside. The slot continues as a groove for the entire length of the underside of the grips and this groove widens near the crossguard. A guarded press stud on the left side of the pommel operates a locking catch via an internal coiled spring. There is a large transverse hole through the hilt just in front of the press stud and through this hole is a short brown leather strap formed into a loop with a buckle at the end. Crossguard form: the lower guard is formed into a full muzzle ring. The upper guard is formed into a small hook that curves towards the blade. Blade form: broad (bowie-style) point. There is a rectangular hole in the blade that engages with the stud of the wire cutter on the scabbard. Crossguard finish: painted black. Blade finish: bright steel. Scabbard: thin black-painted straight-sided metal scabbard with a metal mouthpiece that is secured by a clip on the mouthpiece that engages with a hole in the scabbard. There is a small metal loop near the mouthpiece on the back of the scabbard. At the chape end is a metal extension that is roughly the shape of a quarter circle. The blade doesn’t appear to have been re sharpened and is in good condition. 05408 is stamped to the cross guard. There is slight use related damage to the shroud around the press stud on the grips; otherwise they are in very good condition. The scabbard has 8427 stamped to it and the rubber shield is in good condition. Blade length 15 cm (28 cm overall) See An Illustrated History of Bayonets by Martin J.Brayley pages 103-105 & 190/1. The price includes UK postage. BAYO 2619 (German box 1)

U.S. M1 Bayonet and Scabbard for the Garand Rifle By U.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe). BAYO 2618 - BAYO 2618
This is an M1 bayonet with new made blade by U.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe) U.S. and has the Flaming Grenade (Frankford Arsenal). The grips are plastic and are held to the bayonet by one screw bolt. The fullers on the blade do not go down to the tip, stopping 2 ¾ inches from the tip. The blade is in very good order and is showing signs of service wear. The bayonet is stamped on the ricasso with U.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe) U.S. and has the Flaming Grenade (Frankford Arsenal). The bayonet is carried in its near mint composite olive green plastic scabbard with a steel mouthpiece on which is stamped the U.S. flaming grenade. The bayonet is virtually identical to the one shown as in item 929 on pages 412 and 436 in The Bayonet Book by White and Watts. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2618.

Czechoslovakian ‘M1924’ Short Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2617 - BAYO 2617
This bayonet is a single fullered spear pointed knife blade with reversed cutting edge (on the same side as the muzzle ring), steel hilt with muzzle ring and protruding rivets, wood scale grips attached by two screws, steel beaked pommel with locking button. Steel scabbard with frog hook and ball finial. The blade is stamped on one side at the ricasso with ‘ČSZ’ over ‘D’. ČSZ stands for Československá Zbrojovka, the state arms factory in Brno. The scabbard frog hook is stamped with ‘ČSZ’ and a three-part stamp ‘E’, followed by a lion emblem, followed by ‘46’, indicating the year of manufacture was 1946. There are no German markings or modifications, suggesting this bayonet has not been reworked during WW2. The M1924 was the first bayonet adopted by Czechoslovakia after its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. It fits the vz. 24 rifle, which was a derivative of the M1898 Mauser rifle which was chambered in multiple calibres depending on customer demand. These rifles and their bayonets were widely exported, notably to South American countries: Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, Nicaragua and Ecuador were all users, and it was found on both sides of South American conflicts of the 1920s and ‘30s such as the Chaco War and Ecuadorian–Peruvian War. During the Spanish Civil War Catalan Republican forces were supplied with vz. 24s purchased by the Soviets. Chinese Nationalist forces purchased 195,000 over the course of a decade (1927-1937), used during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. Iran placed multiple orders and also produced a version under license. Large numbers were captured from Czech arsenals after the fall of the Czech Republic in 1939 and reissued to German forces under the designation Gewehr 24(t) - the Czech factories continued to produce these rifles under occupation, with modifications to match German standards. Nearly 500,000 vz. 24s were also ordered by Romania during the occupation. The blade appears to have been re sharpened. The grips and scabbard are in very good condition, only showing minor age related signs of wear. Blade length is 30 cm (43 cm overall. See White & Watts page 52/54 item No 127. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2617. (Box 3)

Desk Top German Miniature K98 Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2616. - BAYO 2616
This is a miniature version of the KS98 Dress Bayonet and has a 14 cm (22 cm overall) fullered polished steel blade inscribe ‘N.V T.R.A.M.- Dir. H.J.Roelffzen’. A missing quillon, wooden chequered grips and a stylised Birds head pommel. The scabbard is black painted steel but with no frog stud which would suggest use as a desk paper knife. These have not survived in as great numbers as the full size bayonets of this type. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2616. (German Daggers Drawer)

Desk Top German Miniature K98 Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2615 - BAYO 2615
This is a miniature version of the K98 Dress Bayonet and has a 12 ¼ cm (18 ¾ cm overall) fullered polished steel blade. A rear facing quillon, wooden chequered grips and a stylised Birds head pommel. The scabbard is black painted steel but with no frog stud which would suggest use as a desk paper knife. These have not survived in as great numbers as the full size bayonets of this type. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2615. (German Daggers Drawer)

Desk Top German Miniature K98 Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 2611. - BAYO 2611
This is a miniature version of the K98 Dress Bayonet and has a 5 1/2" fullered polished steel blade. A rear facing quillon, wooden chequered grips held with two pins and a stylised Birds head pommel. The steel is showing a nice aged patina. The scabbard is black painted steel but with no frog stud which would suggest use as a desk paper knife. These have not survived in as great numbers as the full size bayonets of this type. A collector’s item worthy of further investigation. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 2611. (German Daggers Drawer)

Austrian M1895 Mannlicher Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 786. - BAYO 786
This is a nice other ranks M1895 Mannlicher bayonet (The Mannlicher M1895 is a straight pull bolt-action rifle, designed by Ferdinand Ritter von Mannlicher that used a refined version of his revolutionary straight-pull action bolt, much like the Mannlicher M1890 carbine). The blade is marked with inspection stamps. The blade is 9 ¾” (14” overall) in length and has rounded fullers. The cross guard is secured by 2 rivets and has ’15 01’ etched to it with a small muzzle ring, the grips are wood secured by domed rivets and the pommel is steel. The scabbard is steel with a brazed frog stud, with ‘V & N’ (Vogel & Noot) imprinted on the frog stud. See Martin J.Brayley An illustrated history of bayonets centre example on page 31, and White and Watts item 35, pages 9 & 18. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 786 (All countries Box 3)
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