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Australian Issued 1907 Pattern ‘Wilkinson’ Hook Quillon Removed Bayonet & Scabbard. 19851 - 19851
This is a nice example of the Australian issued 1907 pattern bayonet & scabbard by Wilkinson. The fullered double edged blade is 17” in length. The blackened steel muzzle ring hook quillon have been removed. The forte has crowned GR and 2/12 (February 1912) and the maker ‘Wilkinson’ to one side and broad arrow and inspection stamps to the other. The cross guard is stamped ‘2MD/9072’ (2nd Military District Australia). The blackened pommel is stamped ‘100’ and Australian land service acceptance stamp. The polished wooden slab grips have a painted yellow band. The bayonet is contained in its leather ‘double seamed’ scabbard with blued steel mounts, the throat is stamped ‘DD5’with broad arrow. It is completed with a ‘1908’ pattern webbing frog. The metal, wood and leatherwork are in excellent condition. See ‘Skennerton’ page 187-item 235. The price includes UK delivery. 19851. (Box 2)

British WWI ‘1917 Dated’ Regimentally Marked ‘Royal Scots Fusiliers’ 1907 Pattern Bayonet & Scabbard. BAYO 175. - BAYO 175
This is a nice 1907 pattern bayonet made by Wilkinson. It is marked to the blade with a crown over 1907 ‘1 17’ (January 1917 date of manufacture) and Wilkinson. The other side carries a broad arrow and several inspection stamps. The blade is 43 cm long and the bayonet is 55 cm long in total. The pommel carries ‘4/5 R.S.F. 334’ (4/5 Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers) impressed. The wooden grips are showing minor signs of age related wear. The press-stud locking mechanism works well. The scabbard is dark leather with external chape. See Skennerton page 187-B235. A nice WWI wartime dated bayonet. BAYO 175. The price includes UK postage. (Box 2)

**UNAVAILABLE**British 1961 Dated WD Enfield L1A3 Bayonet With NATO Stores Code, No.5 Scabbard & Webbing Frog. BAYO 173. - BAYO 173
This is a British L1A3 bayonet and scabbard (see Skennerton’s book, British & Commonwealth Bayonets Book, page 261, item B322). The bayonet was first adopted on the 31st December 1958. The bayonet has a blackened pommel. Both grips have the designation L1A3, NATO stores number 9600257 & D (Enfield). The 8” drop point steel blade is single edged and has fullers. There are no visible marks on the blade, 61 (1961) is stamped to one side of the ricasso. The bayonet has its original near mint No5 metal scabbard with brass mouth piece and is fitted with an original webbing frog. The rear of the frog has stores codes and WD arrow. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 173. (Box 1)

British ‘L1A3’ B.S.A. Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog BAYO 171. - BAYO 171
This is a British L1A3 bayonet and scabbard (see Skennerton’s book, British & Commonwealth Bayonets Book, pages 261 – B322). The bayonet was first adopted on the 31st December 1958. The bayonet has a blackened pommel and cross guard with muzzle ring *some black paint missing revealing drab olive beneath. Both grips have the designation L1A3, NATO stores number 9600257 followed by the makers code ‘B’ (B.S.A.). The 8” drop point steel blade is single edged and has fullers. There are no visible marks on the blade. The bayonet has its original No5 MK II metal scabbard brass mouth piece and is fitted with an original webbing frog. The rear of the frog has stores codes and WD arrow. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 171. (Box 1)

‘1888’ MkII Regimentally Marked Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Bayonet & Scabbard. 19849. - 19849
A double-edged 12” blade with steel cross guard and muzzle ring. The pommel is regimentally marked A.S.H. (Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders) and numbered 170. The ricasso is marked with crowned ‘VR’ over ‘01’. The reverse marked with Broad Arrow over ‘E.F.D.’ (Enfield). The wooden slab grips are in good condition and are secured with 2 brass rivets. The bayonet is contained in a leather scabbard with steel mounts, the leather and furniture are in good condition and all of the stitching is in place. The blade and metal work is in very good condition, only showing minor signs of age related wear. See ‘British & Commonwealth Bayonets’ by Ian D. Skennerton & Robert Richardson, page 171-item B215. The price includes UK delivery. 19849. (Box 1)

WW2 U.S. Army M4 Knife Bayonet By Imperial For M1 Carbines & M8A1 Scabbard By PWH (Pennsylvania Working Home For The Blind). Sn 19806 - 19806
This is an original WW2 U.S army M4 Knife Bayonet by 'Imperial' complete with its M8A1 scabbard by PWH (Pennsylvania Working Home For The Blind). The bayonet which is in excellent condition has the correct compressed leather rings handle. Its parkerised steel blade measures 6 ¾” and has just light areas of rubbing. The cross guard is stamped 'US M4 Imperial' and with the Frankford Arsenal ignited grenade mark. The top of the steel pommel is stamped with inspection marks (illustrated). The pommel has the correct ‘pincer’ bayonet release catch. Its olive green plastic/ fibre scabbard holed tip for cord with metal chape and an integral webbing frog with belt loop which has a single retaining strap, brass stud fastener and steel belt bar. The steel throat mount is correctly stamped 'U.S. M8A1' and with 'PWH' manufacturer detail. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19806

British 1903 (Not Converted) Pattern Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 166. - BAYO 166
In the 1902 financial year, 375 each of the short and long experimental models were made for trials. The short model was a trials version of the eventual patt. It was the short version that was eventually decided upon for introduction with the new short rifle. Provisionally approved on 14th December 1902, the pattern 1903 sword bayonet was announced in the list of changes para, 11716 with an approval date of 19th December. Made at Enfield (unconverted) the blade length is: 30 ½ cm (42 cm overall) and is in good overall condition. The WD arrow is above EFD and crown to one side and crown over 1903 and numerous inspection stamps. The wooden grips are held with two pins *spring catch not working*. The pommel has ‘5 84’ imprinted. See British and Commonwealth Bayonets by Ian D. Skennerton page 181, item B230. The scabbard is land pattern MKI and is in good overall condition with the stitching in place *missing its integral frog*. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 166. (Box 1)

Brazilian ‘1908’ Pattern in Rare steel Mounted scabbard. BAYO 164 - BAYO 164
Unlike most of continental South America, Brazil had been under Portuguese rule, not Spanish, since the 1500’s. The 19th Century saw Brazil at war with Argentina and Paraguay, the latter conflict almost destroying Paraguay as a nation. Brazil joined the allies during both WWI &WWII. A new 7mm rifle and short rifle were adopted in 1908. These weapons had an attractive knife bayonet with hook quillon and a brass mounted leather scabbard. See page 38 of ‘An Illustrated History of Bayonets’ by Martin J.Brayley. It has wood slab grips secured with two steel rivets. The 30 cm blade is showing some surface rust. The pommel is steel and has a push button release which works as it should. It has no markings on the bayonet but was made by several German makers. The scarce steel mounted leather scabbards stitching is intact. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 164.

*Very Rare* Unit Marked Indian Regiment False Edge ‘P 1917’ Bayonet & Leather Scabbard. 3421 - 3421
A very rare pattern of a 1917 Bayonet with the scarce false edge at the tip of the blade. It is unit marked to the Delhi Police on the cross guard and grips. The bayonet is made by Winchester. The blade is marked with the flaming grenade above U.S. and 1917 above the Winchester motif to the other. The wooden grips are held with two pins and are in very good condition, marked D.P. both sides (Delhi Police) and one side of the cross guard. It comes with and a nice black leather scabbard with good leather and stitching with scarce ‘D’ locket. 3421.

*Scarce* Canadian Ross Mk I Bayonet by Maker "Ross Rifle Co Quebec Patent 1907". With Leather Scabbard & Frog. 12914. - 12914
This is a scarce 1st Pattern Ross bayonet with the stepped back muzzle ring, a smaller muzzle ring diameter and a split annual spring inside the muzzle ring. This acts against the muzzle and ring to provide a rattle free and positive fit. This bayonet fitted the first pattern of Ross rifle but on the introduction of the MK II rifle the bayonet was altered with a larger muzzle ring diameter, no step back on the muzzle ring and the muzzle spring was deleted. This bayonet was made in August 1910 and is so marked on the pommel with the Canadian acceptance mark, inspection stamp and "*-10". The other side is stamped with "Ross Rifle Co Quebec Patent 1907". The pommel and the grips also carry inspection stamps. The slab grips are in very good condition secured with two screw bolts. The push button release works as it should. The bayonet measures 14 3/4 inches overall and has an officially modified clean 10 inch blade. It is contained in its brown leather scabbard with integral frog. The rear is stamped with a faint "1909". This is a very nice complete WW1 bayonet combination in excellent condition. (see Skennerton's item C4 pages 300-303). The price includes UK delivery. 12914.
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