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French Model 1842 Sabre Bayonet & Steel Scabbard BAYO 651 - BAYO 651
This is a very early French M1842 sabre bayonet and scabbard from its first production in 1842. This bayonet has a leaf spring as opposed to the later M1842/59 bayonet which had an internal coiled spring. The bayonet has a curve yataghan blade with the legend ‘Manufactured at Chattlerault 1842’ along its spine. The steel crossguard is stamped 2438 on one side and an indistinct number on the other. The bayonet has the correct steel cross guard with muzzle ring and ribbed brass grip with flat spring and steel push button. It is complete with the correct sheet steel scabbard which is painted black. See The Bayonet Book by White & Watts item183 on page 83 and 87. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 651.

Scarce* Parade Polished British L1A4 S.L.R Bayonet and Scabbard. 20737. - 20737
This is a scarce ‘L1A4’ pattern bayonet, for which the pattern was sealed ‘31/12/1958’ but not produced until the 1970’s by Hopkinson of Sheffield. The grips are marked ‘960 2379 & S.M denoting manufacture in 1979. The blade carries a polished finish and the grips are virtually mint. The scabbard is a ‘No5 MkII’ which again has been polished for parade. After the ‘L1A1’ this is the scarcest model in the ‘L1’ bayonet series. See Skennerton item B324 pages 262 & 263. The price includes UK delivery. 20737. (Box 3)

*SCARCE* WW2 Italian Army ‘R’ Marked Folding Bayonet For Model 1938 Mannlicher & Carcano M91/38 Rifles & Scabbard. Sn 16047. - 16047
This is a scarce, WW2 Italian Folding Bayonet For Model 1938 Mannlicher & Carcano M91/38 Rifles. It has a 7" single edged blade with fuller. The blued blade is clean. It has the correct small muzzle ring and the grip strap is stamped with partially visible letters 'R' (RE Italian Military) and number 'I 96613'. Its press button folding action works perfectly (the button near to the hilt is pressed which allows the blade to be pulled forward and folded into a slot in the handle). When folded the bayonet measures 8 ¾” length & when open 11 ½”. It is complete with black metal scabbard which has a fixed belt bar. The scabbard has no dents and even patina. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 16047. (Box 1)

*Matching Numbers* Argentine ‘Modelo Argentino 1891 Bayonet and Scabbard. Sn 7989. - Sn 7989
This bayonet was designed to fit the Modelo Argentino 1891 Mauser Infantry Rifle, manufactured in Germany under contract. Most of these bayonets if not all were manufactured by Weyersberg, Kirschbaum, and Cie as this one is. They are extremely well made and this one is in very good to excellent condition. It is with its aluminium hilt, although some are found with brass hilts (* indicating "Navy" usage) steel crossguard, and hooked "blade-breaker" quillon. The latching mechanism is of the push-button/internal-spring type. The blades are straight, single-edged, and fullered on both sides. The blade is stamped on the ricasso with Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie / Solingen on one side, while on the other is the Argentine Crest (this is usually ground off when released from the arsenal as surplus wares as this one is) and Modelo Argentino 1891 including H 9375 which is slightly worn. The scabbard is sheet-rolled steel, ball finial, and dark "blued" finish (almost black) with matching H9375. Both bayonet and scabbard are stamped with a serial number, beginning with an alpha-character prefix, followed by a 4-digit number. It is desired by collectors that both bayonet and scabbard numbers match; otherwise they are considered mis-matched. The alpha-character indicates the ten-thousand unit, presumed in order from A to Z. The alpha-character A represents the first ten-thousand, so all serial numbers beginning with A are from the first 10,000 of a production order. This would be followed by a B, then C and so on and so forth through the alphabet. In very nice condition with the desired matching numbers. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 7989. (Box 1)

*Rare* WW1 German Ersatz Bayonet Made Using A British 1853 Pattern Socket Bayonet Blade. Sn 8424:83 - 8424:83
This is a rare, WW1 German Ersatz Bayonet Made Using A British 1853 Pattern Socket Bayonet Blade. The triangular blade is 16 ½ " long (21 ¾ " overall). Its crossguard has a muzzle ring and the pommel slotted for bayonet bar & complete with sprung lug button which works correctly. The steel grips are riveted and are contoured for grip. Price for this rare Ersatz bayonet includes UK delivery. Sn 8424:83 (Box 2)

WWI Imperial German Model 1888/98 Ersatz Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 288. - BAYO 288
This is an original nice example of a WWI German Ersatz M88/98 bayonet with solid steel hilt. The bayonet has a half hoop, one piece stepped muzzle ring. The bayonet has a 12 1/8" with an overall length of 17 inches. The bayonet is complete with its original steel scabbard. The all steel scabbard retains a small section of original green paint around the frog stud. See page 143 & 153, The Bayonet Book by Watts & White for a virtually identical example. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 288. (Box 2)

Korean War Period Australian Owen MK I Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 179. - BAYO 179
This is a virtually mint Owen MK 1 bayonet with a parkerised 10" blade with 5" fullers. It was made at Lithgow in 1953 and is stamped to the Lithgow Factory on the ricasso "MA 53". The other side of the ricasso is stamped with the War Department 'Broad Arrow' acceptance mark and the date "54" for acceptance into stores. The slab wood grips carry the correct mark of "Slaz 52". The scabbard is the correct brown leather with steel locket and chape. This is a very nice Korean War period Owen S.M.G. bayonet and Scabbard. (see Skennerton's book, item A13, pages 278 and 279). The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 179. (Box 2)

*Matching Numbers* Belgian 1949 Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 522 - BAYO 522
This is a Belgian FN 1949 bayonet for the The Fabrique Nationale Model 1949 (often referred to as the FN-49, SAFN, or AFN automatic rifle version) is an auto-loading battle rifle designed by Belgian small arms designer Dieudonné Saive in 1947. It was adopted by the militaries of Argentina, Belgium, the Belgian Congo, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Luxembourg, and Venezuela) which was exported by Belgium to several countries as well as being used by Belgium itself. This is a Luxembourg model as denoted by the markings on the pommel. These are a small crown 14082 SA20 and 14082. The number 14082 is also repeated on the scabbard mouth. BAYO 522. (Box 2)

Danish M5 Bayonet, Scabbard and Webbing Intergral Frog. BAYO 239. - BAYO 239
This is a scarce Danish bayonet issued in 1962. It is identical to the U.S. M5 but is contained in a wood grained scabbard. It was issued in small quantities as the Haerens Tekniske Korps Model 1962. The pommel is stamped with a Crown over 'HTK M62' which signifies the Army Technical Corps Model 1962. The grips are black plastic and secured with two screw bolts. The bayonet has a thumb release tab which is located near to the crossguard, it operates smoothly. The scabbard is wood grained and the top mount carries a crown over HTK The webbing integral frog is a more elaborate version of the American type. This bayonet fits the M1 Garand rifle which Denmark had been using since 1950. The bayonets were made in Germany under licence. Not a common bayonet on the collectors market. See An Illustrated History of bayonets by Martin J Brayley, page 61. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 239. (Box 2)

Argentinian M1909 Sword bayonet, With Wood Grips & Blued Steel Scabbard By Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co, To Fit The M1891 Mauser Rifle. Sn 10880:51 - 10880:51
An Argentine M1909 sword bayonet with wood grips and blued steel scabbard manufactured by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co, to fit the M1891 Mauser rifle. This was the last variant with wood grips. The bayonet has wood grips, secured with two steel rivets. The pommel is white alloy and has an oval with "R.A." (faint) inside denoting 'Republic of Argentina. It has a push button release. It has a hooked quillon and muzzle ring. The blade is polished steel and Has a single edge and fullers. The blade measures 15 3/4" long. It is in excellent condition. The ricasso is stamped on one side with "Modelo Argentino 1909" above the Argentine crest, below this is has a serial number "B8134". On the reverse it has "Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co Solingen". The inscription and crest were usually filed off before sale as obsolete and specimens with the full crest and inscription are very hard to find. The blued steel scabbard has a serial number stamped above the oval frog stud "B2777". This is a rare bayonet in excellent condition and as is to be expected of a German Manufactured bayonet, of top quality. (see Page 1 item No 3, in White & Watts 'The Bayonet Book'). The price includes Uk delivery. Sn 10880:51 (Box 2)
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