Tower, 1858 Dated, Enfield 1858 Pattern Native Mounted Police Smoothbore Percussion Carbine. Sn - 21878 This is nice 1858 dated Tower produced, Bombay Arsenal marked, Enfield Pattern 1858 Native Mounted Police smoothbore percussion carbine. This was the first pattern smoothbore Indian pattern carbine produced after the Indian Mutiny. After the Indian mutiny, Indian soldiers and armed personal were only given smoothbore not rifled weapons. These smoothbore carbines were made for the Indian government, this version was for issue to the Native Indian Mounted Police and troops and were used during the Indian/Sepoy Mutiny of 1858-59. The carbine has a barrel length of 21 inches with an overall length of 36 ¾ inches. The double lined lockplate is stamped TOWER with the Queens crown over VR 1858 (date) and other acceptance stamps. The barrel is retained by 2 barrel bands and has a nice smooth finish. The carbine is fitted with a wide u notch rear sight, an Enfield type blade foresight, sling swivels and a captive swivelling ramrod. The barrel has a brass chained nipple protector and is profusely marked with British proof marks and Indian acceptance stamps. The barrel is stamped on the left hand side of the rearsight NS over KOH (Native States, Kingdom of Hyderabad). The .65 inch bore is bright and has some mild staining and residue due to age and service. The carbine has a walnut stock with nice smooth woodwork with the normal bumps and bruises due to service life and is stamped on the right hand side with a roundel of the Bombay Arsenal and various other stampings. The carbine also carries the Bombay Arsenal stamps to the barrel, tang and stock above the roundel. The top of the tang and underneath the trigger guard carry native issue marks. The carbine has brass furniture with the correct brass riveted on fore end cap and steel saddle bar & ring. The carbines cocking & firing actions work crisply. See RB 49 on page 9, Catalogue of the Enfield Pattern Room, British Rifles, published by Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique obsolete calibre rifle and no licence is required to own this rifle in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 21878 £895.00