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Antique Pistols and Revolvers

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C1870 Clamshell Hard Cased Belgian Liege 9mm Pin Fire Obsolete Calibre 6 Shot Double Action Only Revolver With Ornate Tooled Decoration, Folding Trigger, Captive Swivel Extractor Rod. Sn 21393:4 - 21393:4
This is an attractive 6 shot 9mm pin fire revolver made C1870. It measures 7 ½” overall with a 3 ¼” two stage barrel. The barrel’s rifled bore has staining & reidue consistent with age and use. The metal work in the white has attractive deep cut tooled foliate decoration & typical folding trigger. Its original chequered panel gutta percha hard rubber grips are excellent. The pistol is stamped with Liege ‘crown N’ & ‘P’ marks. The cylinder is numbered ‘67’. The pistol is side gate loading & has a captive swivel ejector rod. The pistol is correctly double action only and its firing mechanism works as it should. The pistol is accompanied by its original leather covered wood pistol shaped clamshell type hard case with clasp fastener. The case is lined and padded with rich purple material. The liner has just wear to be expected & the leather has some light scuffing to be expected. The case fits the pistol perfectly. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an obsolete calibre revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 21393:4

**ALL MATCHNG NUMBERS**MINT BORE**C1870’s J.P Lower Denver Colorado USA .32 Rim Fire Obsolete Calibre 6 Shot Revolver With Octagonal Barrel, Removable Extractor Rod & Sheathed Trigger. Sn 21391 - 21391
Born in 1833 to a Philadelphia carpenter, John Pray Lower soon developed a much keener interest in firearms than carpentry. At 13 he began an apprenticeship with J.C. Grubb, a blacksmith turned gun dealer and trader, and by age 20 Lower had become a master gunsmith with all the known arms of the day. After Grubb sent Lower on the road Lower developed connections with every known firearms manufactory in the country. His travels as a gun salesman took him abroad and through the States (he avoided the draft during the Civil War, obtaining an appointment to an artillery unit at Fort Barry, Va., in 1863). On one of his trips to the West he met Indian fighter turned gunsmith Carlos Gove and they formed a brief partnership. In 1872 Lower brought his family to Denver and three years later bought out the gun shop of brothers Frank and George Freund. At his Sportsman’s Depot, Lower primarily sold guns and ammunition but also fishing gear and camping supplies. He continued the practice he had started in the mid-1850s of stamping his name on most of the guns he sold. He was known as one of the best shots in Denver and had a private range behind his store. This is an excellent original JP Lower 6 shot .32 RF calibre single action revolver made C1870’s. The pistol’s metal work retains its original finish. It has original American Walnut grip which has just a few nibbles at the butt consistent with holster wear. The butt of the grip frame is numbered ‘2260’ which is repeated on the underside of the 5 “ octagonal barrel & cylinder. The underside of the barrel is fitted with original removable sprung steel extractor rod. The barrel’s bore is near mint, clean & bright with well defined rifling. The top the cylinder frame is signed ‘J.P Lower’. The pistol measures 10 ¼” overall and has a brass blade fore sight, grooved cylinder frame rear sight and sheathed trigger. The pistol’s single action cocking & firing mechanism works crisply. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an obsolete calibre antique revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 21391 (drawers office)

**EXREMELY RARE**VICTORIAN BANK OF ENGLAND BRITISH ARMY HOUSEHOLD GUARD PICQUET’S**Cased, 1859-1866 London Armoury Company / Alexander Henry Edinburgh Kerr’s Patent 54 Bore Single Action Percussion Revolver. Sn 21218 - 21218
James Kerr had been the foreman for the Deane, Adams and Deane gun factory. Robert Adams, one of the partners and inventor of the Adams revolver, was Kerr's cousin. Kerr developed an improvement to the Adams revolver, British Patent No. 1722 of July 28, 1855, and when Adams left the Deane brothers to found the London Armoury Company on February 9, 1856, Kerr went with him. The London Armoury Company manufactured military rifles and revolvers. Kerr's Patent Revolver was an unusual 5-shot revolver manufactured from 1859 to 1866 by the London Armoury Company. Most were made in 44 Calibre (54 Bore) and only a few in the smaller .36 Calibre. It is easily recognised by its side-mounted hammer. " AS SAFE AS THE BANK OF ENGLAND" is a saying that many of us hear from childhood. It may indeed be heard throughout the world wherever English is spoken. What does it signify? It is an acknowledgement that the Bank of England is regarded as utterly reliable in all its undertakings, and anything entrusted to its care as completely safe and secure. The Bank was founded in 1694, as a company in which any member of the public could buy shares: but in 1946 the Government acquired all the shares by Act of Parliament and the Bank is now owned by the Nation. Along with its other financial responsibilities the bank holds vast quantities of the nation’s gold reserves which requires protection as a deterrent against attack & Robbery. Although the word" deterrent" has been used above, the origin of the Bank Picquet (Guard) lay in more active conditions. It began on the 6th June 1780 when the Lord Mayor of the day requested the Secretary of State" for some Horse & Foot in order to protect the Mansion House and the Bank". This was in the middle of the Gordon Riots: that day the mob had burned down Newgate Prison: and the next night they did indeed attack the Bank, but the military guard was in place and the mob was driven off with some fatal casualties. From that day to this the Bank of England has been provided with a nightly guard, generally found by one of the battalions of the Household Brigade fulfilling public duties in London. In the course of the 19th Century it was suggested that the guard should be furnished from the militia but the Court of the Bank did not agree to the suggestion and said that they had great reason to believe that the military guard" was highly approved in foreign countries and they are considered a great Security to the property of the Stockholders, who Bank of England Archive (7A147/3) deem a Guard established from the King's Own Guards as a greater Security than any private Guard". The Court of the Bank to-day are of the same opinion in this matter as were their predecessors. In the early days the march from Barracks to the Bank through the crowded streets caused annoyance to the public as the Picquet jostled the pedestrians off the pavement. As a result of complaints it was subsequently ordered that they should march in the roadway. Of more recent years this caused inconvenience to the traffic: but the sight of the Picquet marching through the streets was a valuable reminder to all and sundry that the Reserves of the Realm were considered so important as to justify protection by the Brigade of Guards. The present arrangements, using army vehicles, give a less obvious reminder but are more economical and more effective. Until 1963 the Guard was mounted in Guard Order and sentries were posted in ceremonial manner. In 1963 the decision was taken to discontinue the ceremonial and since then the Guard has been mounted tactically in an order of dress more appropriate to its modern duties. The strength of the Guard has varied over the years. The Guard has always been under the command of an officer and from 1780 until 1900 consisted of 34 Non-Commissioned Officers and Guardsmen. Between 1900 and 1918 there were two reductions and in 1919 the Picquet was increased again. The composition of the Guard was subsequently changed in 1933, 1948 and 1963. This is an excellent, original, cased Kerr single action revolver issued in the Victorian era to the Army Household Guard Bank Of England Picquet. It is 54 Bore & has the correct captive loading lever and side mounted hammer. The pistol has a 5 ½” octagonal barrel (11 ½” overall). The bore has just light staining & well defined rifling. One barrel flat is signed ‘LAC’ (London Armoury Company) and has Victorian English proofs. It has a brass post fore sight and ‘v’ notch frame rear sight. The metal in the white is clean. The action frame is signed ‘London Armoury Co’ & ‘Kerr’s Patent 10896’. The number & proofs are repeated on the cylinder (the number is the serial number of the gun, and not the patent number). The most interesting feature of this already rare revolver is that the top of the cylinder frame is crisply marked ‘Bank Of England’ no doubt to the Household Guard bank Of England Picquet making this an extremely rare historic piece. Its chequered walnut grip is undamaged. The pistol's Kerr's Patent firing mechanism works crisply. The pistol is contained in its wood case. The felt lined case has compartments which snugly fit the weapon and has room for accessories. The case has a brass lock (key absent). The price for this extremely rare historic cased pistol worthy of further research includes UK delivery. NB As an antique cap & ball percussion revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 21218

**ORNATE**C1870 Liege Belgium 7mm Pinfire Obsolete Calibre 6 Shot Revolver With Folding Trigger, Octagonal Barrel & Captive Ejector Rod. Sn 21359 - 21359
This is a very ornate pinfire double action revolver made in Liege C1870. The steel frame, cylinder and barrel have quality deep cut tooled decoration and inlaid polished steel studs. It measures 7” overall with a 3” octagonal barrel. The pistol’s rifled bore has staining & residue consistent with age and use. It has a typical steel folding trigger and attractive Fish scale effect scalloped walnut grips. The barrel has Liege ‘Crown R’ mark and the cylinder has Crown ELG Liege proof mark. The pistol is side gate loading, has a brass post fore sight and a captive steel ejector rod. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an obsolete calibre pin fire revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 21359 (in drawers office)

TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE **MINT BORE**Georgian, English Ordnance Marked Enfield Tower, .600 Calibre, Flintlock Light Dragoon Pistol With Regulation Brass Fittings Including Cudgel Butt. Sn 21354 - 21354
This original Georgian, Light Dragoon Pistol is in excellent condition. It is 15 ½” long with a 9” smooth bore barrel which is Regulation .577" calibre. The barrel’s bore is near mint, clean and bright. The barrel is crisply stamped with black powder proof marks and the metal has crown ordnance inspection marks. The all original full wood stock has light bumps and bruises to be expected with age. The wood is impressed with factory inspector’s marks and Bord Of Ordnance marks (illustrated). It has brass furniture including cudgel butt which has faint numbers possibly ‘1046’ . The pistol has its original wood ram rod with brass end cap. The lock is crisply marked 'Tower' (Enfield) & ‘Crown GR’ (George Rex) together with small ordnance mark. All metal work is excellent and undamaged. The lock functions crisply. NB As an antique flintlock pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a display or collection. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 21354

**QUALITY**C1800 Avery & Co New Bond Street London 32 Bore Percussion Traveling Pistol (C1820 Converted From Flintlock) With Octagonal Damascus Barrel. Sn 21355 - 21355
This is an excellent original percussion pistol (Period Converted From Flintlock). It is 12” overall with a 7” octagonal steel barrel. The barrel has a small German silver bead fore sight, ‘v’ notch block rear sight, silver band and roundel insert at the breech. The smooth bore is clean. The action plate is signed by the maker Avery & Co London, the top of the barrel is signed ’63 New Bond Street’ and has the makers cartouche (all illustrated). It has a walnut stock with chequered panel grip. The stock has a void silver escutcheon. The wood has just light bumps and bruises to be expected with age. Its action plate, steel trigger guard with extended tang and Pineapple finial & action tang have foliate engraved decoration. The action has a safety bolt. It is complete with its ebonised wood ramrod with polished horn end cap and steel worm. Its action works crisply. The price for this pistol worthy of further research regarding the maker includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 21355

C1820 W&J Rigby Dublin Ireland 15 Bore Flintlock Holster Pistol With Fish Tail Stock, Brass Furniture & Captive Ram Rod. Sn 21350 - 21350
John Rigby & Company (or John Rigby & Co. (Gunmakers) Ltd) is the oldest gunmaking firm in continuous operation in the English-speaking world. Rigby has a distinguished history of technological advancement for both sporting and military application. Rigby rifles, guns and pistols have played prominent roles throughout the British Empire and particularly in Asia and Africa. The company was established by the first John Rigby in Dublin, Ireland in 1775. After the founding John Rigby's death, in 1818, his sons William and John Jason Rigby operated the business as W. & J. Rigby from circa 1820 to 1865, a period that spanned flintlock, percussion, pinfire and needlefire ignition and marked the start of the modern metallic cartridge era. Rigby was a leader in barrel-making and rifling technology and, at the time, it was also recognised for its high grade dueling pistols. This is an excellent original W&J Rigby Dublin flintlock holster pistol, made around 1820. It is a sturdy pistol, 15 ½” overall length with a 9” heavy steel barrel. The smooth bore has staining & residue consistent with age & use. The round steel barrel has a flat barrel rib faintly signed ‘W&J Rigby Dublin’. The fish tail stock is all original, made from Walnut and it has brass furniture. It has its original captive steel ram rod. The lock plate is signed 'W&J Rigby' and works crisply. The price includes UK delivery. NB. As an antique flintlock pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 21350

C1840 British Cavalry Officer’s Private Purchase .650 Carbine Calibre Percussion Holster Pistol With Captive Steel Ram Rod & Hinged Trap. Sn 18706. - 18706
This is a very good, original British Cavalry officer’s holster pistol. It has all original wood work with chequered panel grip. Its metal work has foliate engraved decoration and it has a hinged trap in the butt. It has its captive steel ram rod. The pistol measures 16” overall with a 9 ¾” 2 stage barrel. The smooth bore has staining & residue consistent with age & use. The barrel has a brass blade fore sight. The cocking and firing mechanism is crisp. There are no visible maker or date marks on the pistol. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 18706.

1851 U.S Army Haston & Co Middletown Connecticut Model 1842 .54 Calibre Muzzle Loading Percussion Cavalry Pistol. Sn 20475. - 20475
These single-shot black powder muzzle loaders were made between 1845 and 1852. The pistols saw service in the American Indian wars, Mexican wars and later In the American Civil war. This is an original U.S Army Haston & Co Middletown Connecticut 1851 Dated Model 1842 .54 Calibre Muzzle Loading Percussion Cavalry Pistol. This pistol has a Walnut Stock with regulation brass fittings. The metal & brass have factory / military acceptance marks (illustrated). The wood is all original with knocks, bumps and bruises to be expected. The lock plate is signed by the maker Haston & Co Middtn Conn’ together with US army mark and 1851 date. The 8 ½” barrel’s smooth bore has staining and residue consistent with age and service use. It measures 14 ¼” overall length. The pistol retains the original captive iron ramrod. The pistol has a brass blade fore sight. The pistol cocks and dry fires with a strong action. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20475.

**SCARCE**TRANSITIONAL**MINT BORE**Cased, Victorian English, Thomas Kerslake Baker’s 1852 Patent, German Silver Frame, 54 Bore Six Chamber Cap & Ball Revolving Lever Cock Percussion Pistol. Sn 21229 - 21229
Thomas Baker was born on the 25th of September, 1800. He owned a gunsmithing business at 88 Fleet Street in London, and patented a type of hammer for percussion revolver in 1852, which had a notched cocking handle attached. This hammer achieved fair popularity with British revolvers of the time. In 1857, Frederick T. Baker took over Thomas’ business and produced hunting shotguns until the twentieth century. Thomas Baker passed away in his late 70’s in 1879 (British Patent No. 3230 of 24 April 1852 for his ‘long-spur hammer’ see A.W.F. Taylerson, R.A.N. Andrews and J. Frith, The Revolver 1818-1865, 1968, p. 46, pl. 6 and pp. 68-69, fig. 8). This is a scarce cased transitional Bakers Registered 1852 Patent Six Chamber Revolving Lever Cock Pistol in excellent condition. The pistol is 11 ¼” overall length. It retains its original finish throughout, 5” octagonal to round blued barrel and cylinder, long lever action hammer marked Bakers Patent, engraved German silver frame with serial number ‘1911’ The cylinder & barrel have English black powder proofs. The pistol’s original Walnut grips are undamaged. The pistol’s cocking and firing actions are crisp. Its safety bolt works correctly at half cock to prevent firing when loading percussion caps. The barrel’s bore is near mint, clean and bright with well defined multi groove rifling. The pistol is contained in its wood case with hinged lid. The top of the lid is inlaid with a void brass roundel. The case has a brass lock (key absent). Inside the lid of the case is an original trade label with instructions for use. The price for this excellent, rare to find cased transitional pistol includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 21229
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