Scarce, British Officers Musket Bore, Model 1799 Eliott Yeomanry Flintlock Carbine by Raper of Leeds. Sn - 21879 This carbine takes its name from the designer General George Augustus Eliott. It was first approved in June 1773 and was intended for light dragoons. Although a 20 year old design at the onset of the Napoleonic War (1803-1815), it was still in use long after 1815. This is a scarce British Officers private purchase Model 1799 Eliott service carbine made by Raper of Leeds. Benjamin Raper was first recorded as a gunsmith at Bottom of Baggate, Leeds in 1823 and at 56 Call Lane from 1827 to 1837. This is a musket bore (.75 inch) volunteer Eliott model 1799 yeomanry carbine made by Benjamin Raper of Leeds and is nicely engraved on the side of the lock plate RAPER.LEEDS together with 2 line border line engraving as does the ring neck cock. The carbine has a nicely browned 28 inch barrel with an overall length of 44 inches. The barrel is nicely stamped at the breech with 2 crisp civilian proof marks for privately made barrels and has a nice clean bore with light staining due to residue in service. The carbine has regulation brass mounts, flat side-plate of shaped outline, brass fore-end cap, three ramrod pipes and as mushroomed steel ramrod. The carbine has a polished full stock woodwork with a hand rail butt. The stock is stamped JD behind the brass trigger guard. The barrel has a fore sight which also doubles as a stud for the bayonet. The carbine is in excellent condition having seen little service. See pages 55, 56, 57 & 78 British Military Longarms 1715-1815 by D.W. Bailey, British Military Firearms 1650-1850 by Howard l. Blackmore & chapter 4 in British Cavalry Carbines & Pistols of the Napoleonic Era by Barry Chisnall and Geoffrey Davies and page 314, British gunmakers, Volume Two by Nigel Brown. NB As an antique musket no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 21879 £3,750.00