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C1810 English Smith London 54 Bore Round Action Flintlock Pistol With Steel Turn Off Barrel, Black Powder Proofs & Concealed Folding Trigger. Sn 18752 - 18752
There were many English gun makers named Smith operating in both London & the Provinces during the flintlock era. This is a very good flintlock pocket pistol made C1810. The pistol has a steel hammer, & folding concealed trigger. The brass frame is signed by the maker ‘Smith’ on one side alongside martial banners & arms panel. The reverse is signed ‘London’ alongside similar panel. The pistol measures 6” overall & has a 1½” screw off steel barrel (removal of the barrel requires a tool which we do not have). The barrel’s smooth bore has staining & residue consistent with age and use. The pistol has black powder proofs on the underside of the action. The pistol has an undamaged chequered bag shape walnut stock inlaid with diamond shape void silver escutcheon. The stock has a silver butt plate with light engraved decoration. The action has a safety bolt. The pistol’s action is strong. The price for this pistol worthy of further research regarding the maker includes UK delivery. NB No licence is required to own this antique flintlock pistol in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 18752

**FIRST PRODUCTION** Victorian, Enfield Pattern 1858 Native Mounted Police .656 Calibre, Smooth Bore, Percussion Carbine With 1858 Dated Action, Saddle Bar, Ring, Nipple Protector & Chain Trigger Guard Unit Marked ‘33DSB’. Sn - 18723:5
Enfield Pattern 1853 cavalry carbines were used by the British army In India. By 1866 the stock of Tower P 53’s became diminished and conditions in India called for another issue of smooth bore carbines resulting in production of the ‘Bengal Light Cavalry Carbine’. The Tower made Enfield Pattern 1858 Native Mounted Police .656 Calibre, Smooth Bore, Percussion Carbine. The first production of 8000 Carbines used lock plates that were available from store, most if not all dated 1858. The carbine is smoothbore and .656 calibre. Known as the the P58-67 it has a two piece butt plate with 'chequering' between. This original Carbine has a two piece Butt Plate and 1858 dated lockplate. The carbines were generally of superior quality to the P 53’s. This original Enfield Pattern 1858 Native Mounted Police .656 Calibre, Smooth Bore, Percussion Carbine has the correct butt with brass edge caps and central exposed wood cross hatch chequering. It is in good condition. It has all original walnut stock which has knocks and bumps to be expected. The metal work has areas of service wear. It has a heavy military percussion hammer and the lock plate is crisply stamped Crown VR (Victoria Regina) & 'Tower’ (Enfield) together with inspection mark and 1858 date indicating it was one of the first production Bengal light cavalry carbines. Its 21" barrel (37” overall) & has a smooth bore which has staining and residue consistent with age. The top of the barrel is stamped with Victorian proof/inspection mark and number ‘55’. It has a fixed ‘v’ notch plate rear sight and block & blade fore sight. It has the correct under barrel captive swivel steel ramrod and riveted on fore cap. The carbine also has brass fore end block & trigger guard. The guard is marked ‘33DSB’ most likely a unit mark (unknown). It is complete with correct steel saddle bar & ring. The stock is impressed with indistinct roundels. It cocks & dry fires crisply. The action has its original nipple protector and chain. See RB 49 on page 9, Catalogue of the Enfield Pattern Room, British Rifles, published by Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion carbine no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 18723:5

C1840 British .750 Musket Calibre Officer’s Private Purchase Percussion Holster Pistol. Sn 18705 - 18705
This is a very good, original Officer’s private purchase pistol. It has all original wood work with brass fittings, including trigger guard with extended tang, cudgel butt & ram rod flute. The stock near to the muzzle has a contemporary repair which is secure and can be seen in image 2. It has a heavy military hammer & steel ram rod. It measures 15 ¼” overall with an 8 ¾” round steel barrel. The smooth bore has staining & residue consistent with age & use. The barrel has crisp proofs. The action works as it should. The pistol has no maker or date marks. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 18705

19th Century British James Dixon & Sons Sheffield Plain Category Copper & Brass Black Powder Flask With Graduated Sprung Nozzle Charger. Sn 18596 - 18596
Decoration of powder flasks varied dramatically with plain utilitarian examples and ornate examples with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes & were made of a wide variety of materials. This flask falls into the ‘Plain category’ described in the ‘Plain Flasks’ chapter (page 271) of, ‘The Powder Flask’ book by Riling. Similar small copper and brass plain flasks by Dixon & Sons are illustrated in that chapter. Riling states that these plain flasks “should receive special attention from the new collector and form an important part of any collection”. This flask measures 6” overall length and is 2 ¾” at its widest. The brass sprung charger works correctly and has a removable screw in nozzle. The charger bears the James Dixon & Sons Sheffield name & is graduated 1 ½, 1 ¾, 2 Drams. The copper body is has no dents. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 18596

19th Century British Sykes Sheffield Pocket Pistol Size Plain Category Copper & Brass Black Powder Flask With Sprung Nozzle Charger. Sn 18592 - 18592
Decoration of powder flasks varied dramatically with plain utilitarian examples and ornate examples with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes & were made of a wide variety of materials. This tiny pocket pistol size flask falls into the ‘Plain category’ described in the ‘Plain Flasks’ chapter (page 271) of, ‘The Powder Flask’ book by Riling. Similar small copper and brass plain flasks are illustrated at plates 110 & 112 of Rilings book page 274 along with other forms from the period Sykes catalogue. Riling states that these plain flasks “should receive special attention from the new collector and form an important part of any collection”. This tiny flask measures 3 ¼” overall length and is 1 ¼” at its widest. The brass sprung charger works correctly and has a removable screw in nozzle. The copper body is faintly stamped by the manufacturer ‘Sykes’. The copper has a few minor dents but no cracks or splits. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 18592

19th Century Gun Size Copper & Brass Foliage & Pineapple Design Black Powder Flask With Graduated, Sprung Brass Nozzle Charger. Sn 18597 - 18597
Decoration of 19th Century powder flasks varied dramatically with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes together with a variety of material coverings. This quality flask falls into the Foliage category (see page 323 of the Chapter ‘Foliage’ of the powder flask book by Riling and plate 660-2 of the same page where a flask with similar pineapple and foliage design to ours is illustrated). This is an excellent, gun size, black powder flask. Its copper body is deeply embossed with attractive Pineapple and foliate decoration. There are no signs of damage or repair. The screw top brass charger is graduated (no dram measurements are visible) and spring lever which is fully functioning with a strong action. There are no visible manufacturer marks. The flask is 7 ¾” overall length and 3 ¼” diameter at its widest. The price for this attractive flask includes UK delivery. Sn 18597

19th Century Gun Size G & J.W. Hawksley Sheffield Black Powder Flask With Fine Wicker Basket Weave Covering, Graduated, Sprung Nozzle Charger. Sn 18599 - 18599
The Sheffield based company Geo & JW Hawksley are recorded at 35 Smithfield 1845 and various addresses on Carver Street Sheffield from 1854 through to the 1940’s when the Company was bought by James Dixon & Sons (see page 114 of Riling’s book The Powder Flask). Decoration of powder flasks varied dramatically with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes. They were also made of a wide variety of materials and had various coverings. A Flask similar to ours with fine wicker basket weave covering is illustrated from a period James Dixon & Sons Sheffield on page 213 panel 10 of The powder flask book by Riling. This gun size, black powder flask by C &JW Hawksley is made of brass with wicker basket weave covering all clean and intact. The screw top charger has measurement adjustment ‘2 ½, 2 ¾, 3’ drams and spring lever which is fully functioning with a strong action. The charger is crisply marked ‘G & J.W. Hawksley Sheffield’. The flask is 8 ½” length and 3 ½” diameter at its widest. There are no signs of damage or repair. The price for this attractive flask includes UK delivery. Sn 18599

C1820 Liege Belgium Turkish Contract .700 Calibre British Naval Pattern Flintlock Sea Service Pistol With Brass Fittings. Sn 18440 - 18440
During the 18th Century the British Royal Navy began standardising their Naval small arms. One such weapon was the Sea Service flintlock pistol. These weapons were used by the British Royal Navy throughout the Wars with neighbouring France 1750- 1815. Due to heavy production demands for Sea service pistols during the Napoleonic Wars the British Admiralty turned to their Belgian allies to produce Sea Service pattern pistols to supplement dwindling British made supplies. Liege pistols, although not the fine quality of the British version, were robust, heavy and well made resulting in other nations Governments also contracting Liege pistols for their armed forces. This Liege made Sea service pistol was made for the Turkish Government. It is is in very good as found, un-messed with condition. It measures 15 ½” overall with a 9” steel barrel. The metal work ‘in the white’ has even patina. The smooth bore has staining & residue consistent with age & use. The barrel has what looks like a small Liege inspection mark (illustrated). The walnut full stock has regulation brass furniture and fixed steel lanyard ring. The wood has just bumps and bruises to be expected. The lock plate is plain steel ‘in the white’ and has Turkish inspection marks (illustrated). The heavy military hammer is fitted with flint. The cocking and firing actions work crisply and create a good spark. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique flintlock pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 18440

1890’s British Charles (Chas) Osborne & Co London Martini Action .577 x.450 Obsolete Calibre Sporting Rifle. Sn 18448 - 18448
Charles Osborne commenced trading under his own name C1845 in Lichfield Street, Birmingham but by 1855 he was in Whittall Street, Birmingham where he maintained premises right up until 1928 when the business was acquired by Skimin & Wood, a highly respected gunmaker to the trade. Osborne first opened for business in London in 1881 in the vicinity of Houses of Parliament where he stayed until the business left London in 1928. Charles Osborne became a Limited company in 1896.This is an excellent Martini action sporting rifle by Osborne & Co. The underside of the action is numbered ‘1550’. The metal work is undamaged. The wood work is all original and has a chequered panel wrist and fore stock. It has a steel butt plate & sling swivel lugs. The 28” barrel has a clean bore with crisp multi groove rifling and the rifle measures 45 ½” overall length. The barrel is marked ‘.450’ (calibre) and has small inspection mark. The barrel has a block and blade fore sight and flip up ladder rear sight. The rifle’s cocking & firing actions work crisply. The price includes UK delivery. NB as an obsolete calibre, antique firearm no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 18448

1843-1846 Pair Of Scottish Form 54 Bore Brass & Steel Construction Percussion Pistols With Irish Registration Marks ‘KE-256’(County Kerry) Octagonal Barrels & Captive Steel Ram Rods. Sn 18241 - 18241
The Irish Registration Act was passed in 1843 and lasted only a short while, until August 1846. All firearms owned in Ireland during that period had to be Registered and marked with the relevant County code. This is a very good pair of Scottish form, all metal construction percussion pistols made C1845. The matching pistols have steel hammers, trigger guards, octagonal barrels and captive steel ram rods. The hammer, trigger guard and barrels have foliate engraved decoration. The pale brass actions with spurred grip and flat butts have ornate engraved foliate decoration. The actions and barrels of each pistol have black powder proofs and each barrel has Irish registration mark ‘KE-256’ (County Kerry). There are no visible manufacturer marks on either pistol. Both measure 8 ¾” overall & have 3 ½” octagonal steel barrels. The smooth bores of each barrel are clean. The pistols have bead fore sights and ‘v’ notch block rear sights. Their cocking & firing actions work crisply. The price includes UK delivery. NB No licence is required to own these antique percussion pistols in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 18241
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