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**MINT BORE**FIRST YEAR OF LONDON PRODUCTION**1853 CRIMEA WAR ERA**ALL MATCHING NUMBERS INCLUDING CYLINDER**British Colt London Navy Model 1851.36 Calibre Cap & Ball Revolver. Sn 22474:5 - 22474:5
The Colt Model 1851 Navy was a muzzle-loading, single action, cap & ball .36 calibre revolver used during the American Civil War. It was used as a side arm by Cavalry, Infantry, Artillery troops, and Naval forces. The weapons were also favoured by British Officer’s as private purchase side arms during the Crimean War due to their innovative design and ease of loading. During the Crimea War, The British Government ordered 9,000 Colt revolvers. This Colt London Model 1851 Navy revolver is in very good original condition. The pistol has a 7 ½” octagonal steel barrel and measures 13 ½” overall. The barrel’s bore is near mint clean & bright with well defined rifling. The metal work has even patina. The weapon has a conical brass post foresight and 'notched hammer' rear sight. It has a captive 'lever' ramrod. The barrel is crisply stamped with manufacturer detail 'Address Col. Colt London'. The cylinder and frame have British Victorian ‘Crown V’ and ‘Crown P’ proof marks and is marked ‘Colt’s Patent’. The pistol has all matching serial numbers '3100' on the barrel block, frame, trigger guard, butt strap & cylinder which dates its manufacturer to the first year of Colt’s London Factory production in 1853 during the Crimea war (1853-1856). The cylinder is also marked Colt’s Patent and has faint Naval battle scene (London Navy Colts were available with and without cylinder scenes, see page 120 of Colt Firearms by Serven. It has undamaged American Walnut grips and the pistol's single action cocking & firing actions work as they should. The price for this historic first year of production British London made & assembled Crimea War era Colt revolver includes UK delivery. NB As an obsolete calibre percussion revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22474:5

**RARE**MINT BORE**ALL MATCHING NUMBERS INCLUDING CYLINDER**Colt U.S.A Made London Enfield Proofed 1865 Egyptian Colonial Contract Late 3rd Type Colt New York Model 1851 Navy .36 Calibre, Single Action, Percussion Revolver With Enfield Grip Roundel. - 22474:4
The Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Calibre (i.e. .36 calibre), later known as the Colt 1851 Navy or Navy Revolver, is a single action, cap and ball revolver. It was designed by Samuel Colt between 1847 and 1850. It remained in production until 1873. Famous 'Navy', users included Wild Bill Hickok, John Henry "Doc" Holliday, Ned Kelly, and Robert E. Lee. 3rd Type 1851 Navy revolvers had small steel or brass rounded trigger guards as opposed to early types which had straight back guards. Later 3rd types had slightly larger rounded trigger guards (see page 118 of Colt Firearms by Serven). This original, Colt New York U.S. Army marked, late 3rd type Model 1851 Navy revolver is in very good condition with even patina throughout. This pistol is a rare to find 1865 Egyptian Government contact piece. These pistols were manufactured at Colts US factory after the closure of the London factory for the Egyptian army. These pistols were shipped via London at the Egyptians insistence, where they were proofed and then sent for final inspection at the Governments Enfield factory before being paid for and shipped onwards to Egypt. The inspections being done as a commercial job at the factory by the pattern making department under the charge of senior inspector George Stainton, one of the ordnances most experienced men at the time. The pistols were chosen by the Egyptian army largely because the British army had adopted the Colt in limited numbers for issue to cavalry units in the Crimea the Egyptian pistols saw long and hard service and unlike ours many had their parts swapped around in service as they were cleaned or repaired. Our example is all original with all matching numbers including the cylinder. It has original walnut grip which has the correct Impressed Enfield roundel with the initials GS in the centre. The mark of senior Enfield inspector George Stainton who was at the time in charge of the pattern shop where prototype weapons were hand built for British army trials. It has a 7 ½” octagonal barrel and measures 13 ½” overall length. The bore is near mint clean and bright with well defined rifling. The cylinder is stamped ‘Colt’s Patent’ & numbered ‘184185’ which dates it’s production to 1865. It has crisp matching serial numbers stamped on its frame, barrel block, trigger guard and butt of the brass grip frame. The cylinder has the correct, clear, Naval battle scene. The grip frame has the late 3rd type large brass trigger guard. The grip frame has ‘B’, factory inspector’s marks and ‘.36 Cal’. The top of the barrel is marked ' Address SamL Colt New York US America’. The frame and cylinder have crisp London black powder proofs. It has a captive lever ram rod, small brass post fore sight and ‘v’ notch hammer rear sight. The weapon cocks and dry fires crisply. The price for this rare military Colt Navy to a Colonial Government includes UK delivery. NB As an antique cap and ball revolver, no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22474:4

SOLD SOLD (07/03) **MINT BORE**ALL MATCHING NUMBERS INCLUDING CYLINDER**U.S. ARMY MARKED**1856 Early 3rd Type Colt New York Model 1851 Navy .36 Calibre, Cap And Ball, Single Action, Percussion, 6 Shot Revolver. Sn 22474:3 - 22474:3
The Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Calibre (i.e. .36 calibre), later known as the Colt 1851 Navy or Navy Revolver, is a single action, cap and ball revolver. It was designed by Samuel Colt between 1847 and 1850. It remained in production until 1873. Famous 'Navy', users included Wild Bill Hickok, John Henry "Doc" Holliday, Ned Kelly, and Robert E. Lee. 3rd Type 1851 Navy revolvers had small steel or brass rounded trigger guards as opposed to early types which had straight back guards. Later 3rd types had slightly larger rounded trigger guards (see page 118 of Colt Firearms by Serven). This original, Colt New York U.S. Army marked, 3rd type Model 1851 Navy revolver is in very good condition with even patina throughout. It has original walnut grip, a 7 ½” octagonal barrel and measures 13 ½” overall length. The bore is near mint clean and bright with crisp rifling. The cylinder is stamped ‘Colt’s Patent’ & numbered ‘60621’ which dates it’s production to 1856. It has crisp matching serial numbers stamped on its frame, barrel block, trigger guard and butt of the brass grip frame. The cylinder has the correct faint Naval battle scene. The grip frame has the early 3rd type small brass trigger guard. The grip frame has ‘v’, ‘m’ & ‘c’ factory inspector’s marks. The top of the barrel is marked ' Address SamL Colt New York City’. It has a captive lever ram rod, small brass post fore sight and ‘v’ notch hammer rear sight. The weapon cocks and dry fires crisply. The price for this US Army marked Colt Navy includes UK delivery. NB As an antique cap and ball revolver, no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22474:3

**ALL MATCHING NUMBERS INCLUDING CYLINDER**1862 American Civil War Colt New York USA Model 1860 Army .44 Calibre Cap & Ball Percussion Revolver. Sn 22474:2 - 22474:2
The Colt Model 1860 Army was a muzzle-loading cap & ball .44-calibre revolver used during the American Civil War. It was used as a side arm by Cavalry, Infantry, Artillery troops, and Naval forces. This Colt Model 1860 Army revolver is in excellent condition. The metal work has even patina. The pistol has an 8" round steel barrel and measures 14" overall. The rifled bore has staining and residue consistent with age and use. The weapon has the correct brass blade foresight and 'notched hammer' rear sight. The heel of the steel butt strap is also correctly notched for addition of a detachable shoulder stock. It has a captive 'lever' ramrod and brass trigger guard. The barrel is stamped with manufacturer detail 'Address Col. Saml Colt New York U.S. America'. The pistol has matching serial numbers '80019’ on the barrel block, frame, brass grip frame and butt. The cylinder has Colt’s 1850 Patent & matching serial number ‘0019’ and faint Naval engagement cylinder scene. The serial number dates the pistol’s production to 1862. The action plate is signed ‘Colt’s Patent’. It has its original undamaged American Walnut grip. The pistol's single action firing mechanism works crisply. The price for this civil war revolver includes UK delivery. NB As an obsolete calibre percussion revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22474:2

**NAPOLEONIC WARS ERA**Georgian British Ordnance .650 Carbine Calibre Flintlock Light Dragoon Pistol With Regulation Brass Fittings. Sn 22474:1 - 22474:1
This is an original British Ordnance Regulation Enfield Tower .650 Carbine Calibre Flintlock Light Dragoon Pistol in very good Condition. The pistol has all original wood work with regulation brass fittings, including trigger guard with extended tang, fore end block & cudgel butt. The walnut full stock has just light bumps and bruises to be expected. The wood has small indistinct inspection marks. It has a heavy military cock & original wood ram rod with brass end cap. It measures 15 ½” overall with a 9” round steel barrel. The barrel has English black powder proofs and an ordnance acceptance / inspection mark. The smooth bore has staining and residue consistent with age and use. The action works crisply. The lock plate has Georgian Crown & Royal Cypher ‘GR’ (George Rex). The price for this Napoleonic wars era flintlock includes UK delivery. NB As an antique flintlock pistol no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 22474:1

C1860 Victorian English Webley Bentley Wedge Frame Type Double Action .54 Bore Percussion 5 Shot Revolver. Sn 22465 - 22465
This is an original example of the English Webley Bentley Wedge Frame type double-action percussion revolver, as produced in the late-1850’s through about the mid-1860’s. These guns use a 2-piece frame and barrel design, similar to that of Colt revolvers, with the two parts held together via a “wedge”. Adams and Tranter revolvers utilized one-piece frame/barrel assemblies that were forged from a single piece of iron. The “wedge” frame design is attributed to Birmingham gun maker Philip Webley, although Webley himself seemed to have manufactured very few of the guns. The simplified double-action lock mechanism typically encountered in these revolvers is usually of the Joseph Bentley design, and these guns are often referred to as Webley-Bentley revolvers, even though they were produced by many Birmingham gun makers and are often unmarked. This Webley wedge frame is very well made and has a single & double-action mechanism. The gun is typical of larger bore English double-action revolvers in that it features a 5 shot cylinder. The revolver has a 6” long octagonal barrel. The bore has crisp rifling and just the staining to be expected with age and use. The barrel and cylinder have small English proof marks. The cylinder chambers are numbered 1 to 5. The pistols metal has even patina throughout and its chequered Walnut grips are undamaged. It has a captive loading lever, a small blade fore sight sight and notch block frame rear sight. The frame has no externally visible manufacturer markings. The frame is marked ‘Patent No. 4033’. The firing mechanism functions crisply in both single & double action. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique percussion revolver no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22465

SOLD SOLD (LAY-AWAY 26/02) **MINT BORE**American Civil War Era Burnside Rifle Co Providence Rhode Island Model Of 1864 .54 Calibre Single Shot Lever Action Breach Loading Cavalry Carbine With Saddle Bar & Ring. Sn 22444 - 22444
The Burnside Carbine was a popular carbine rifle fielded across all of the major battlefronts of the American Civil War. The weapon was developed by Ambrose E. Burnside. Burnside was an Officer in the Union Army but gave up his position in order to concentrate on developing the gun. The Burnside Carbine made use of a specially-designed cartridge, this being a brass .54 calibre cartridge developed by Burnside himself. His new weapon and corresponding cartridge did much to eliminate the leaked hot gasses that were common when firing other breech-loading weapons of the time. Production of the carbine was handled by the Burnside Rifle Company and the Bristol Firearms Company of Providence, Rhode Island. This is a very good, original example of the Burnside carbine. The metal work has even patina and its all original wood stock has just the bumps and bruises to be expected. The 21" barrel’s bore is near mint clean & bright with well defined rifling. It measures 39 ½” overall. It is fitted with a 2 leaf flip up rear sight and pinched blade fore sight together with steel saddle bar & ring. It is also fitted with rear sling swivel and steel butt plate. The top of the action and frame are stamped with numbers 7141 and 14563 together with ‘Burnside Patent Model Of 1864’. It also has faint manufacturer detail ‘Burnside Rifle Co Providence Rhode Island’ on the action plate. The loading and firing actions work crisply. The price for this piece of American Civil War history includes UK delivery. NB As an antique obsolete calibre weapon no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 22444

19th Century British G & JW Hawksley Sheffield Pocket Pistol Size Plain Category Brass Black Powder Flask with Sprung Nozzle Charger and Ring. A 597 - A 597
Decoration of powder flasks varied dramatically with plain utilitarian examples and ornate examples with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes & were made of a wide variety of materials. This tiny pocket pistol size flask falls into the ‘Plain category’ described in the ‘Plain Flasks’ chapter (page 271) of, ‘The Powder Flask’ book by Riling. Similar small brass plain flasks are illustrated at plates 152 of Rilings book page 272 & 274 along with other forms from the period Hawksley catalogue. Riling states that these plain flasks “should receive special attention from the new collector and form an important part of any collection”. This tiny flask measures 4 ¾” overall length (including ring) and is 1 ½” at its widest. The brass sprung charger works correctly and has an adjustable screw nozzle. The brass has no cracks or splits. The price includes UK delivery. A 597

19th Century British Sykes Sheffield Pocket Pistol Size Plain Category Copper & Brass Black Powder Flask with Sprung Nozzle Charger. A 596 - A 596
Decoration of powder flasks varied dramatically with plain utilitarian examples and ornate examples with hunting, game animals, foliate, village, military and marine scenes & were made of a wide variety of materials. This tiny pocket pistol size flask falls into the ‘Plain category’ described in the ‘Plain Flasks’ chapter (page 271) of, ‘The Powder Flask’ book by Riling. Similar small copper and brass plain flasks are illustrated at plates 125 of Rilings book page 272 & 274 along with other forms from the period Sykes catalogue. Riling states that these plain flasks “should receive special attention from the new collector and form an important part of any collection”. This tiny flask measures 3 ½” overall length and is 1 ½” at its widest. The brass sprung charger works correctly and has a removable screw in nozzle. The copper body is faintly stamped by the manufacturer ‘Sykes’. The copper has a few minor dents but no cracks or splits. The price includes UK delivery. A 596

**PRESTIGIOUS MAKER**GUN REFERENCED IN THE BOOK HOLLAND & HOLLAND BY DALLAS**1858-1860 Victorian English, Harris Holland 98 New Bond Street London Large 6 Bore, Double Barrelled Muzzle Loading ‘Live Pigeon Competition’ Percussion Sporting Shotgun. - 22458
1870 Holland & Holland did not exist. In fact, it would be six years before the firm’s founder, Harris Holland, was to take in his nephew Henry and create the iconic brand which now graces London’s Bruton Street. Harris Holland was a was a good shot with both rifle and shotgun, regularly competing in live-pigeon competitions at Hornsey Wood Tavern. He appears to have gained enough kudos among fellow shooters for them to start asking him to get them guns and rifles like the ones he used so successfully himself. Seeing a clear business opportunity, Harris ordered guns made to his specification. 98 New Bond Street London was Harris Holland’s address from 1858. His nephew Henry Holland joined him in 1876, when Holland & Holland became the company style. It was not until 1893 that Holland & Holland built their factory on Harrow Road London. This is a best quality double barrel muzzle loading shotgun by Harris Holland made at his 98 New Bond Street Address. This actual gun features in Donald Dallas’s book page 10 ‘Holland & Holland The Royal Gunmaker The Complete History’ where images of its action are illustrated and the author comments “A typical Harris Holland big bore live pigeon muzzle loader. The gun is 6 bore with no serial number, barrel’s engraved H. Holland 98 New Bond Street helps date it to 1858-1860. The barrels are 34” long with Platinum plugs. The front action locks with flat hammers are engraved in flowing scripts and are of good quality. There is no provision for ram rod, the fore end ending in a horn finial. There is only one double 6 bore listed in the number books for this period number 652 built in 1858 and this could be this gun. In the early period although guns were given a serial number in records under order such numbers were often not engraved” (a photocopy image of the cover of Dallas’ book, photo copies of the book illustrations of the action and author comments accompany the piece and are illustrated in the images). The shotgun has all the features of the gun described in the book, correctly without serial number. The gun has best quality tooled foliate decoration to the action and trigger guard with pineapple finial and steel butt plate tang. The fore stock and wrist have finely chequered grip panels. The original undamaged Walnut fore stock’s polished horn end cap correctly has no provision for ram rod. The underside of the all original Walnut shoulder stock is inlaid with void white metal escutcheon. It has platinum plugs at the breech. Its 34” brown twist barrels have a centre rib signed ‘H. Harris 98 New Bond Street London’ (49 ½” overall). The smooth bores have just light staining consistent with age and light use. The rib has a brass bead fore sight at the muzzle and a shallow groove in the top of the action acts as a rear sight. Both action plates are signed ‘Holland’. The actions work crisply. The price includes UK delivery. NB As an antique muzzle loading percussion shotgun no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22458
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