**ORNATE**Early 19th Century North African / Turkish Ottoman / Moroccan/ Arabic 22 Bore Snaphance Or Snaphaunce Lock Musket With Decorated Furniture & Ram Rod. Sn 22137 - 22137 A snaphance or snaphaunce is a type of lock for firing a gun or is a gun using that mechanism. The name is Dutch in origin but the mechanism cannot be attributed to the Netherlands with certainty. It is the mechanical progression of the wheellock firing mechanism, and along with the miquelet lock and dog lock are predecessors of the flintlock mechanism. It fires from a flint struck against a striker plate above a steel pan to ignite the priming powder which fires the gun. Examples of this firearm can be found through Europe, Turkey, North Africa, and the Middle East. The muzzle loading weapons were generally handmade weapons, and consequently they widely varied in their construction. They were seen as very personal weapons, and unlike the typical military weapons of the time which were very plain and utilitarian, the weapons tended to be well crafted and were usually intricately decorated. They usually had very long barrels. The stocks were handmade and ornately decorated, featuring a distinctive curve which is not seen in the stocks of other muskets. The function of this curve is debated; it may be purely decorative, or it may have allowed the weapon to be tucked under the arm and cradled tightly against the body, as opposed to being held to the shoulder like a typical musket or rifle. This is an early 19th century Snaphance or Snaphaunce lock musket. It measures 5 Feet 2 Inches overall length. It has a 49”round steel barrel which is approx. 22 Bore. The bore has heavy staining and residue consistent with age. The barrel has a small blade fore sight and notched block rear sight. The musket has a full stock, the woodwork has silver decorated panels and stud work decoration, brass trigger guard with silver overlay and multi sheet decorated silver barrel bands. One side of the stock is mounted with colourful glass jewels. The musket has a steel ram rod stuck firmly in place (to avoid possible damage we have not attempted to remove it). The weapon has the wear and patina to be expected of a native weapon of its age. As is common with these weapons the action does not cock and dry fire but the hammer and trigger move. Due to size delivery of this item will be by arrangement, at cost & within the UK only. NB As an antique muzzle loading musket no licence is required to own this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22137