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INERT DEACTIVATED. Czech PT-Mi-BaIII Bakelite Anti-tank Mine. O 1240 - O 1240
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Czech PT-Mi-BaIII plastic antitank mine which was developed after WW2 from the German World War II Tellermines 42 and 43. The difference being that the mine casing is made of plastic bakelite instead of metal. The mine has a shear type pressure plate integral with the casing and is fabricate from two bakelite mouldings cemented together. The fuse well is located centrally in the bottom of the case and is covered by a threaded cover plate. The fuse is a Ro-2. The mine is 330 mm in diameter and 110 mm high. The mines threaded base plate and fuse well both unscrew. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert items in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1240

INERT DEACTIVATED. Czech (variation) URG 86 Black Bodied Plastic Anti-personnel Grenade. O 1226 - O 1226
This is a Czech made URG 86 anti-personnel grenade. This black bodied contains an inert matrix which is embedded with tiny pieces of steel wire. This example has a green fuse assembly. The spoon has ' 'URG 86 and irv' stamped into it. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade items in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1226

INERT DEACTIVATED. Czech URG 86 Plastic Anti-personnel Grenade. O 1225 - O 1225
This is a Czech made URG 86 anti-personnel grenade. The body contains an inert matrix which is embedded with tiny pieces of steel wire. This example is all green and the spoon has URG-86-Rd and irv stamped into it. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade items in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1225

DEACTIVATED INERT. Belgian Mecar M73 Drill Dummy Fragmentation Hand Grenade. O 1212 - O 1213
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a Belgium Mecar M73 drill dummy fragmentation hand grenade. The body is made of cast aluminum with dummy fragmentation bands on the outside and has cast into the body PRAC GREN DRILL M73 . The base of the grenade is stamped LOT 1 ASM 75 . The alloy fuse body is screwed into the grenade body and has a steel fly off lever retained by a special grenade pin which has to be twisted before pulling out. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert items in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1213

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare German 1945 Improvised Last Ditch Hand Grenade Variation II Made From The Body Of Parachute-dropped SD 0.5kg Splitterbombe Cluster Bomb Fitted With A BZE 39 Pull Friction Fuse. O 1204 - O 1204
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare German 1945 improvised Last Ditch hand grenade variation II made from the body of parachute-dropped SD 0.5kg Splitterbombe cluster bomb bomblet fitted with a BZE 39 pull friction fuse. These were used in the last months of1945 at the end of WW2. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn O 1204

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare Unfired WW2 German WK 361 LP, 27mm Leuchtpistole Flare Pistol Grenade. Sn O 1124 - O 1124
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare unfired WW2 German WK 361 lp flare pistol grenade for the 27mm Leuchtpistole flare pistol. The grenade is muzzle loaded into the flare pistol and fired conventionally. The primer is at the bottom of the grenade which ignited the propellant in the wooden tube which in turn sets off the grenades 4 ½ second delay mechanism primer in base. The grenade was propelled out of the barrel by a series of 6 gas vents around the primer. This grenade has a conventional pressed steel Model 39 egg grenade screwed onto wood and metal shaft where the primer would have screwed in. There is an alloy reinforcing collar at the head of the wooden shaft and at the base of the grenade is an alloy primer holder and propellant vent. The grenade primer at the top of the shaft is stamped 11557/5 ehe . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn O 1124

German WW2 Rare Wooden Transport Box for 3 x 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm GrW 34) Mortar Rounds. Sn 12694 - 12694
This is a rare German WW2 wooden transport box for three (3) 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm GrW 34) mortar rounds. The box has a lid hinged at one end and has a metal securing clasp on the opposite side. Inside the box are three mortar round supports, one on the lid and two in the box itself. The lid of the box is stenciled in black Mun. 8cm Gr. W.34 (Munitions 8cm Granatwerfer 34). There is also a feint two word stencil on a corner of the lid HEERESMUNITION (ARMY AMMUNITION ) and GRANAT??? (MORTAR?). The base and lid of the box are made of plywood. The metal clasp is riveted and screwed on. The rest of the box is jointed. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 12694

UNAVAIBLE. Inert Unfired Original WW2 British 2 Inch High Explosive Mortar. Sn. 11061:51 - 11061:51
UNAVAIBLE This is a British original WW2 unfired 2 Inch high explosive mortar with a complete No151 mk I nose fuse. The zinc fin is stamped 1941-12 ( ‘MAR’ cartouche) Z and retains some red paint to one side of one fin and has a black stencil of J over 10 within a black circle. The primer protector screw on cap is stamped FD 41 . The lacquered body retains most original finish, including its red (high explosive) band at the nose and a green (Amatol) band at the middle. The white stencilling on the body is 2” MOR 8821 1407 . The light green Amatol band round the middle of the round has black stencilling BAR 20/80 on it. The alloy and brass nose fuse is stamped No151 I H TD / 41 . The alloy fuse protector is stamped REMOVE BEFORE FIRING. Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 11061:51
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