Australian 1907 Pattern, 4th Pattern, Bayonet with 'SLAZ' Marked Grips and Scabbard. Sn 10880:26 - 10880:26 An Australian 1907 Pattern, 4th Pattern, bayonet with 'SLAZ' marked grips and later style No. 1 scabbard. About 1927, bayonet production ceased and was re commenced late in 1940. Ricasso markings from 1940 are different, including the inspector's marks. The bayonet shop was transferred from Lithgow to Orange in July 1942. The wood room, which made up rifle furniture as well as bayonet grips, was removed from Lithgow to the Slazenger Sports Goods factory in Sydney in 1941, and the mark "Slaz" on the grips indicates manufacture there. After Japans entry into the war in the Pacific, Australian bayonet development moved rapidly into newer, shorter and specialised patterns and so the long 1907 bayonets manufactured in WWII were short lived and consequently rare. The bayonet has a blackened 17" blade with fullers. The ricasso is stamped with inspection marks and on the other side with "1907 4 42" (April 1942). The blade is in excellent condition. The bayonet has a straight waisted crossguard. The slab wood grips are both stamped "Slaz" and are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel has the push button release, which operates smoothly and clearance hole. The No 1 late scabbard has a large frog stud along with three rivets showing on the locket. It is leather and in good condition and is stamped "Mangrovite 43 (1943). (see page 276 277, item A10 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets book). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 10880:26 £375.00