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WW1 German M88/98 All Steel Construction Ersatz Bayonet & Steel Scabbard. BAYO 17 - BAYO 17
A WW1 German M88/98 Ersatz bayonet and steel scabbard (see item 338, page 153 of The Bayonet Book By White & Watts). The all steel construction bayonet has a polished steel single edged blade with sharpened back edge point & central fuller. The blade measures 12” in length. It has a steel one piece cross guard with open muzzle ring. The back of the blade has a small inspection mark. The steel pressed steel grip has an oil hole near to the cross guard. It has a push button bayonet release which works correctly. The grip retains some original green paint. It is complete with its steel scabbard which has a tear drop frog stud. The scabbard has some dents consistent with age and service use. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 17

A Siamese (Thailand) Mauser Bayonet & Scabbard. Sn 10880:45 - 10880:45
An unusual Siamese (Thailand) Mauser Bayonet and Scabbard. These bayonets were imported bayonets and are marked on the ricasso and pommel with Siamese script. The wooden grips are secured with rivets as oppose to screw bolts. (see item 618, pages 275/276 in White & Watts 'The Bayonet Book'). The pommel has a push release which operates smoothly. The pommel is stamped on the top with Siamese script. It has a fixing mortise. The grips are secured with two rivets and are shaped. It has a straight crossguard with muzzle ring. The ricasso is stamped with Siamese script. The polished steel blade is in good condition and is fullered. It comes with the original steel scabbard which has an elongated tear frog stud. The price includes Uk delivery. Sn 10880:45

WW1 1909 Dated Canadian Ross Mark I, 1908 Patent, Bayonet with Stepped Back Muzzle Ring & Original Blade Tip, Complete With 1915 Dated Scabbard With Integral Frog. Sn 10880:43 - 10880:43
A WW1 Canadian Ross Mark I bayonet, for the Ross Rifle, complete with it's scabbard and frog. The bayonet measures 14 3/4 inches overall and has a nice 10 inch blade. The bayonets wood slab grips are in good undamaged condition and are stamped with inspection marks and regimental number, "J 367". The grips are secured with two screw bolts. One side of the pommel bears the manufacturer's patent details ' Ross Rifle Co. Quebec, Patented 1907' the reverse is stamped '08' with the War Department 'Crows Foot' and '06/09' ( June 1909 date) with "08" and an inspection mark. The crossguard is straight with a stepped back muzzle ring and inside this is a recess which contains a split annular spring with three flattened surfaces. This acts against the muzzle and ring to provide a rattle free and positive fit. The bayonet is often referred to as the Pattern 1908 bayonet. Only 52,000 were made of the first pattern making this a scarce bayonet. The bayonet is complete with it's leather covered scabbard which has an integral leather frog with a large single belt loop. The scabbard is date stamped adjacent to the stitching on the reverse with "1915". (see pages 300-303, item C4 in Skennerton's British & Commonwealth Bayonet Book and White & Watts Pages 300 to 303). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 10880:43

Danish HTK M62 Bayonet, Scabbard & Intergral Frog. ED 2383 - ED 2383
A Danish HTK M62 bayonet, scabbard and integral frog with belt loop and wire belt hooks. This was an American style M5A1 bayonet but newly made for the Danish Army and used as a trench knife. It is in it's correct scabbard with British 37 Pattern belt hooks added to the webbing frog. The bayonet has a steel pommel. It has black plastic diamond grips secured with two screw bolts. The grips incorporate a thumb push next to the cross guard which releases the bayonet. This operates smoothly and as it should. The cross guard is straight and has a locating pin attached to it. The blade is Parkerised and measures 6 1/4" long. The body of the scabbard is wood grain effect and the throat is marked with the Danish Crown over HTK (Haerens Tekniske Korps- Army Technical Corps). This is a scarce bayonet. (see pages 57 & 58 of 'An Illustrated History Of Bayonets' by Martin Brayley). The price includes Uk delivery. ED 2383

Indian 1907 Pattern, Sanderson Bayonet Dated 1917 with Sharpened Tip (False Edge) and Scabbard. Sn 10880:40 - 10880:40
An Indian 1907 Pattern, Sanderson bayonet dated August 1917 with sharpened tip (False Edge) and leather scabbard. This bayonet has been re-issued in WW2. As in Australia and Britain, India adopted a modification for sharpening of some No I bayonets (in 1926 the Patt.1907 bayonet nomenclature was changed, in line with Britain). The form of the false edge is different to the British and Australian models, although it is likely that a variety of grinding styles may be encountered in the Indian False Edge. The bayonet has a blackened 17" blade with fullers. The ricasso is stamped with inspection marks and on the other side with "1907 8 7". The blade is in excellent condition. It has a false edge. The bayonet has a straight 'waisted' crossguard. The slab wood grips are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel has the push button release, which operates smoothly and clearance hole. The scabbard has a tear drop frog stud and has a metal chape and locket. It is leather and in good condition. (see page 347, item 150 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets book). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 10880:40

A British Trials Pattern FN FAL X2E1 Bayonet & X1E1 Scabbard Made In Belgium. Sn 10880:38 - 10880:38
A rare British trials pattern X2 E1 bayonet and scabbard. This is the Belgium F.N. bayonet and usually carries both the X2 E1 designation and a serial number matching the rifle. However, a small number are known with just the X2 E1 mark and this is one of those. The bayonet is for a NATO 7.62mm FAL Rifle in particular the X8E1, Type A 1953-61. The bayonet has the F.N. 'elastique' design pommel and catch and has two flash hider prongs, 1.6" long projecting forward of the muzzle ring. It measures 12 3/4" overall. It has dark wood smooth grips secured with screw bolts. It is stamped on the tang edge between the grips with 'X2 E1' . The double edged blade is polished steel and measures 8" long. The scabbard is metal, painted black and on the throat it is stamped 'X1 E1' (See Page 256/7 of British and Commonwealth Bayonets by Skennerton). Price for this rare trials bayonet with scabbard includes UK delivery. Sn 10880:38

Indian Pattern No 1 MK II* Bayonet with unfullered blade, complete with Original No1 Shortened Scabbard. Sn 10880:35 - 10880:35
An Indian Pattern No 1 MK II* bayonet with unfullered blade and complete with the original No1 shortened scabbard. This is a newly made bayonet by R.F.I. (Rifle Factory in Ishapore) in December 1942 which has a shorter unfullered blade and is not a conversion. (see page 349 item 154 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets' book). The bayonet has an unfullered 12" long blade which is blackened. It has slab grips secured by two screw bolts which have a white painted band around them. The pommel has a push button release and clearance hole, it has "68" stamped into it on one side. The crossguard is straight. The ricasso is stamped on one side with inspection marks on one side and with the Crown above "G.R.I. MK I* 12 42 R.F.I.". The No 1 scabbard is leather with metal chape and locket, it has two white paint bands around it. The scabbard has a large round frog button and three rivets above. The price includes UK delivery. P 1907 BOX. Sn 10880:35

Indian Pattern No 1 MK II Bayonet with unfullered blade, complete with Original Long Scabbard. Sn 10880:29 - 10880:29
An Indian Pattern No 1 MK II bayonet with unfullered blade and complete with the original long scabbard. This is a newly made bayonet by the Rifle factory in Ishapore in July 1942 which has a shorter unfullered blade and is not a conversion. (see page 347 item 153 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets' book). The bayonet has an unfullered 12" long blade which is polished. It has slab grips secured by two screw bolts. The pommel has a push button release and clearance hole. The crossguard is straight. The ricasso is stamped on one side with inspection marks on one side and with the Crown above "G.R.I. MK I* 42 R.F.I.". The scabbard is the long scabbard and is leather with metal chape and locket. The scabbard has a large round frog button and three rivets above. The price includes UK delivery. SN 10880:29

Australian 1907 Pattern, 4th Pattern, Bayonet with 'SLAZ' Marked Grips and Scabbard. Sn 10880:26 - 10880:26
An Australian 1907 Pattern, 4th Pattern, bayonet with 'SLAZ' marked grips and later style No. 1 scabbard. About 1927, bayonet production ceased and was re commenced late in 1940. Ricasso markings from 1940 are different, including the inspector's marks. The bayonet shop was transferred from Lithgow to Orange in July 1942. The wood room, which made up rifle furniture as well as bayonet grips, was removed from Lithgow to the Slazenger Sports Goods factory in Sydney in 1941, and the mark "Slaz" on the grips indicates manufacture there. After Japans entry into the war in the Pacific, Australian bayonet development moved rapidly into newer, shorter and specialised patterns and so the long 1907 bayonets manufactured in WWII were short lived and consequently rare. The bayonet has a blackened 17" blade with fullers. The ricasso is stamped with inspection marks and on the other side with "1907 4 42" (April 1942). The blade is in excellent condition. The bayonet has a straight waisted crossguard. The slab wood grips are both stamped "Slaz" and are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel has the push button release, which operates smoothly and clearance hole. The No 1 late scabbard has a large frog stud along with three rivets showing on the locket. It is leather and in good condition and is stamped "Mangrovite 43 (1943). (see page 276 277, item A10 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets book). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 10880:26

Post WW2 German Eickhorn Commercial M16 knife Bayonet With Wire Cutter & Scabbard. BAYO 8 - BAYO 8
This is an excellent Post WW2 German Made Commercial M16 Assault Rifle bayonet With Wire Cutter & Scabbard. There are no makers marks on this knife but most of these bayonets were German made by Eickhorn, Solingen. These bayonets fit M16 Assault rifles and many other modern rifles. It has a broad black ribbed grip and short steel crossguard with muzzle ring. It has a 7" Bowie type blade with sawback (overall 12"). The blade is slotted for wire cutter attachment which is present on it's original blacked scabbard with integral webbing frog (The wire cutting action works perfectly). The frog has a belt loop with retaining strap, stud fastener and steel belt hanger. The base of the scabbard is fitted with green thigh cord. Price includes UK delivery. BAYO 8
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